2015 MRS Fall Meeting Highlights
A— Engaged Learning of Materials Science and Engineering in the 21st Century
AA—Organic Semiconductors---Surface, Interface and Bulk Doping
AAA— Big Data and Data Analytics for Materials Science
B— Stretchable and Active Polymers and Composites for Electronics and Medicine
BB— Innovative Fabrication and Processing Methods for Organic and Hybrid Electronics
BBB—Liquids and Glassy Soft Matter---Theoretical and Neutron Scattering Studies
C— Tough, Smart and Printable Hydrogel Materials
CC—Organic Bioelectronics---From Biosensing Platforms to Implantable Nanodevices
CCC— Integrating Experiments, Simulations and Machine Learning to Accelerate Materials Innovation
D—Biological and Bioinspired Materials in Photonics and Electronics---Biology, Chemistry and Physics
DD—Diamond Electronics, Sensors and Biotechnology---Fundamentals to Applications
DDD— Lighting the Path towards Non-Equilibrium Structure-Property Relationships in Complex Materials
E— Engineering and Application of Bioinspired Materials
EE—Beyond Graphene---2D Materials and Their Applications
F— Biomaterials for Regenerative Engineering
FF— Integration of Functional Oxides with Semiconductors
G— Plasma Processing and Diagnostics for Life Sciences
GG— Emerging Materials and Platforms for Optoelectronics
H— Multifunctionality in Polymer-Based Materials, Gels and Interfaces
HH—Optical Metamaterials---From New Plasmonic Materials to Metasurface Devices
I—Nanocellulose Materials and Beyond---Nanoscience, Structures, Devices and Nanomanufacturing
J— Wetting and Soft Electrokinetics
JJ— Multiferroics and Magnetoelectrics
K— Materials Science, Technology and Devices for Cancer Modeling, Diagnosis and Treatment
KK— Materials and Technology for Non-Volatile Memories
L— Nanofunctional Materials, Nanostructures and Nanodevices for Biomedical Applications
LL— Materials and Architectures for Safe and Low-Cost Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies
M— Micro- and Nanoscale Processing of Materials for Biomedical Devices
MM— Advances in Flexible Devices for Energy Conversion and Storage
N— Magnetic Nanomaterials for Biomedical and Energy Applications
NN— Thin-Film and Nanostructure Solar Cell Materials and Devices for Next-Generation Photovoltaics
O— Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion
OO— Nanomaterials-Based Solar Energy Conversion
P— Synthesis and Applications of Nanowires and Hybrid 1D-0D/2D/3D Semiconductor Nanostructures
PP— Materials, Interfaces and Solid Electrolytes for High Energy Density Rechargeable Batteries
Q—Nano Carbon Materials—1D to 3D
QQ— Catalytic Materials for Energy
RR—Wide-Bandgap Materials for Energy Efficiency---Power Electronics and Solid-State Lighting
S— Mechanical Behavior at the Nanoscale
T—Strength and Failure at the Micro- and Nanoscale---From Fundamentals to Applications
TT—Topology in Materials Science---Biological and Functional Nanomaterials, Metrology and Modeling
U— Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties in Interface-Dominated Metallic Materials
UU— Frontiers in Scanning Probe Microscopy
V— Gradient and Laminate Materials
VV— In Situ Study of Synthesis and Transformation of Materials
W— Materials under Extreme Environments (MuEE)
WW— Modeling and Theory-Driven Design of Soft Materials
XX—Architected Materials---Synthesis, Characterization, Modeling and Optimal Design
Y— Shape Programmable Materials
YY— Advanced Atomistic Algorithms in Materials Science
Z—Molecularly Ordered Organic and Polymer Semiconductors---Fundamentals and Devices
ZZ— Material Design and Discovery via Multiscale Computational Materials Science
Meeting Chairs
Call for Papers
Flow-based electrochemical energy systems, like redox flow batteries, are emerging for long-duration energy storage and addressing renewable energy intermittency. This special collection will discuss the advanced materials and challenges for flow-based electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies, their applications, and economic viability both as stationary and transportation energy systems.