MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) archive consists of over 70,000 articles by some of the most eminent materials scientists who have been associated with the society over the years, including numerous papers by Nobel laureates such as Stoddart, Goodenough, Feringa, Geim, Whittingham, and more. It now represents a lasting resource for the next generations of scholars and researchers. Featuring content that had been missing in the past, and demonstrating increased fidelity of its existing content, this opus is a must-have for any materials science, technology, and engineering library.
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Volume 1820, Issue 1Symposium 6D — Innovative production and application of structural and functional ceramic— and metal-matrix composites
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Natural Gas Industry: Materials and Corrosion
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Instrumented System for Analysis of Concrete Resistivity
- Karen Sarai Chan Blanco
- Víctor Manuel Jesús Moo Yam
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- 1946-4274
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