MRS Press Room

Welcome to the Materials Research Society Press Room.

MRS encourages coverage of its technical meetings, exhibits and other society events and activities by the scientific and general news media. Our goal is to provide members of the media with news and information for dissemination to the scientific community and general public to help foster appreciation for and further understanding of the contributions and importance of materials research and development.

MRS believes that it is vital to allow scientists and engineers to conduct their critical work and research outside of changing political climates, civil unrest or any other factors that may inhibit the abilities of researchers to globally collaborate and make valued contributions towards improving everyday life for the public at large.


Complimentary Press Passes for MRS Meetings/Workshops

Press passes are issued to editors and reporters representing bonafide news publications only. These passes are not intended for editors whose primary purpose is the acquisition of authors and manuscripts, or for individuals and organizations whose primary objective is of a sales and marketing nature. In addition, please note that a maximum of four press passes will be allotted per company.

MRS Statement on the Situation in Ukraine

Press Releases