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MRS Energy & Sustainability

Science, Technology, Socioeconomics & Policy

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MRS Energy & Sustainability is proud to welcome Professor Vincent Dusastre to the editorial board as an associate editor. Read his first editorial for the journal in volume 12, issue 1.

MRS Energy & Sustainability publishes original research that reports major breakthroughs or provides new insights in energy and sustainability. The journal also welcomes forward-looking reviews, commentaries and perspectives.

The readership of MRS Energy & Sustainability consists of scientists, academics, policy makers and industry professionals, all interested in the interdisciplinary nature of the science, technology and policy aspects of energy and sustainability. Thus, the papers must appeal to the broad readership of the journal.

MRS Energy & Sustainability provides a rapid and thorough peer review process on definitive papers in the fields of energy and sustainability.

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  • Manish Chhowalla
Journal Impact Factor
3.3 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
3.7 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
9 days
105,876 (2024)

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  19. TD Net Discovery Service
  20. Wanfang
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