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MRS Bulletin is proud to welcome Dr. Amit Misra of the University of Michigan as the journal’s new Editor-in-Chief.

Congratulations to Yuqi Li, recipient of the 2024 MRS Bulletin Postdoctoral Publication Prize!

Each MRS Bulletin issue provides a comprehensive overview of a materials theme topic, along with original research articles, review articles, news and features, and industry and policy developments.

  • MRS Bulletin is one of the most widely recognized and highly respected publications in advanced materials research.
  • Theme overview articles, written by leading experts, are useful references for specialists and also accessible to a broad scientific audience.
  • The Impact section, edited by Markus J. Buehler, is a premier outlet for high-profile original materials research.
  • Monthly MRS OnDemand webinars complement the theme topic.
  • The annual MRS Bulletin Postdoctoral Publication Prize recognizes postdoctoral researchers for their intellectual merit and science communication skills.

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  • Amit Misra
Journal Impact Factor
4.1 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
4.9 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
7 days
1,066,336 (2024)

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Volume 50, Issue 2

Piezotronics and Piezo-phototronics

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Materials Research Society
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  8. Current Contents/Electronics & Telecommunications Collection
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  22. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  23. Social Science Citation Index
  24. TD Net Discovery Service
  25. Wanfang
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