Program Assessment

MRS routinely assesses programs and services to ensure alignment of volunteer efforts, staff time and resources with MRS’s Strategic Plan, MRS’s Core Values, member preferences and community needs. At the highest level, it is MRS’s desire that our programs and services are aligned with our Aspiration:

MRS engages members across generations to advance their careers and promote materials research and innovation.

To that end, the Board of Directors approved a methodology to assess programs based upon four key criteria:

  1. Strategic: Advancing MRS’s Aspiration
  2. Core: Engaging Key Constituencies
  3. Effectiveness: Achieving Program Goals
  4. Resources: Volunteer, Staff and Financial

The following documents provide a summary of this process, including the format of the program review to be completed by program leads, the underlying rubric to be used for each assessment, and accountabilities for program assessments:

  • MRS Program Assessment Form: This is a template for summarizing the assessment and recommendations. This form is the basis for the assessment of Marginal Resource Programs and is a template to summarize assessments of Moderate and Significant Resource Programs.