New Meeting Programming

Thank you for your interest in reaching out to MRS to assist with your event. MRS welcomes proposals and suggestions for new technical programming. The Meetings Committee reviews all meeting initiatives as submitted via a Meeting Event Application Form. Such initiatives can include workshops, special sessions within the MRS Spring or Fall meetings, and/or standalone topical meetings. These events may or may not be MRS events. Ideas for meetings may be generated by MRS operating committees, the MRS Board of Directors, and/or via grass roots initiatives from the materials community at large.

MRS also proactively explores collaborations with other societies and activities to promote commercial and/or industrial participation.

Proposed endorsements and co-sponsorships for external technical meetings also fall under this umbrella process.

If you are interested in submitting a symposium proposal for an MRS Spring or Fall Meeting, please visit the that meeting’s page for proposal submission instructions and deadlines. If the submission deadline has passed, please contact us for additional information.  

Meeting Application Form

A prerequisite for any event must be that it will be in alignment with  MRS Mission, Vision and Values. MRS encourages diverse participation that encompasses students and professionals from all sectors of the materials community, along with the inclusion of globally-diverse and underrepresented demographics in activities wherever possible.  Further information can be found on the  Broadening Participation in Materials Science page.

Please login with your MRS user ID and complete the online Meeting Event Application and submit to MRS headquarters for processing.

Apply Here


Please note that the Meeting Event Application is not intended for submission of Spring and Fall Meeting Symposium Proposals. Please refer to the specific meeting for information about submitting a proposal. 

While online submission is strongly recommended, you may also print and complete a paper version of the application form here:  Meeting Event Application Form. In either case, you may attach additional supplemental information in PDF form (previous event history or more detailed information) or provide web links that will assist in conveying your concept.

For paper submissions, please submit your completed application to Eileen Kiley, Director of Programs.

Broader Impact Programming

Broader Impact programming at MRS meetings is intended to extend the influence of scientific research to the quality of life and Society at large. At MRS Fall and Spring Meetings, Broader Impact programming augments technical symposium programming and vendor exhibits by providing the attendees with a complete meeting experience capturing all aspects of the materials research profession.

The use of the term “Broader Impact” at MRS is intended to be similar to the National Science Foundation's (NSF) usage of the same term. Examples of MRS objectives leading to broader impact and the related events/action items include, but are not limited to:

Education and training of the next generation of materials researchers

Action item: Educational symposia / workshops / tutorials at MRS meetings

Career development of MRS members

Action items:
(a) Symposia / workshops / tutorials, including hands-on events, at MRS meetings on oral presentation skills, proposal writing, etc. (i.e., help members learn how to give great technical talks and how to write winning proposals)
(b) Enhanced interaction of MRS members with government funding agencies / program managers with dedicated symposia / forum at MRS meetings (i.e., help members understand better the process of obtaining funding for materials research)

Enhanced impact of materials research on the US and global economy

Action items:
(a) Symposia / workshops / tutorials at MRS meetings on commercialization of innovative research, creation of startup companies, enhanced industrial engagement, e.g., Technology Innovation Forum
(b) Communication of materials research to general public and influence government policies in STEM 

Broadened participation of under-represented groups

For example, by establishing collaborations with students and faculty from institutions and organizations serving groups under-represented in materials research and related STEM fields worldwide

Action item: Programming resulting from Diversity initiatives at MRS meetings

The Program Development Subcommittee works with the Meetings Committee, Operating Committees and Subcommittees that are already engaged in specific aspects such as career advancement, student engagement, government affairs, industry engagement, etc., as well as with Meeting Chairs, to develop more extensive broader impact programming, including value-added enhancements to current activities and implementation of new activities/events.

If you have an idea for broader impact programming, either at the MRS Spring or Fall meeting, or as a standalone event, please let us know! You can complete our online Meeting Event Application Form to submit your proposal, or you may contact Eileen Kiley, Director of Programs.

Apply Now