MRS Developing Countries Engagement

Interdisciplinary. Broadly Inclusive. Egalitarian. For the Materials Research Society, these words are at the core of our mission, vision and values—to build a dynamic, interactive, global community of materials researchers.

To better serve students and professionals from all technical and economic sectors of the worldwide materials community, those individuals working or studying in developing countries* are eligible for special reduced rates in the following MRS programs:

MRS Spring and Fall Meetings

Present your research at the must-attend MRS Spring and Fall Meetings, where more than 11,000 participants convened in 2023. Immerse yourself in cutting-edge interdisciplinary studies, where scientists from around the globe converge.

Learn more at:

MRS Membership

MRS Membership is designed to empower and connect individuals, providing a platform for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and professional development. Be part of a community that values broad perspectives and collective progress!

Learn more at:

Webinars and Virtual Workshops

MRS Presents delivers live webinars and virtual workshops covering diverse interdisciplinary topics. With over 10,000 materials researchers registering yearly, it’s a prime opportunity to network with fellow enthusiasts.

Learn more at:

Funded by the Materials Research Society Foundation®, this program enables materials scientists to connect with colleagues from around the world, and contribute to and benefit from, the Society’s programs.

Countries eligible for discount are those defined as Low-Income or Lower-Middle-Income Economies by the World Bank. Please visit the World Bank website to view the current list of qualifying Low-Income and Lower-Middle-Income countries.