MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research (MIJ-NSR) launched in 1996 and was an online-only, peer-reviewed, archival journal devoted to group-III nitride semiconductors. The Materials Research Society launched MIJ-NSR with the goals of maintaining high editorial standards and rapid online publication while exploring and utilizing the extraordinary possibilities of Internet, including free access models. The Materials Research Society is committed to making the journal available without charge to readers in perpetuity.
- Main Editor
Latest articles
Origin of ring defects in high In content green InGaN/GaN MQW: An Ultrasonic Force Microscopy Study
- F. Shahedipour-Sandvik
- M. Jamil
- V.N. Merai
OriginalPaper 27 September 2020 Article: 4 -
Time-resolved Spectroscopy of the violet luminescence of undoped AlN
- R. Freitag
- K. Thonke
- L. Steinke
OriginalPaper 27 September 2020 Article: 3 -
Development of High Power Green Light Emitting Diode Chips
- Christian Wetze
- T. Detchprohm
OriginalPaper 27 September 2020 Article: 2 -
Core-Level Photoemission From Stoichiometric GaN(0001)-1×1
- S.M. Widstrand
- K.O. Magnusson
- M. Oshima
OriginalPaper 27 September 2020 Article: 1
Journal information
- Electronic ISSN
- 1092-5783
- Copyright information