MRS Governance

The Materials Research Society is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of a) the Officers of the Society, and b) 12 to 21 directors, of which up to 25 percent of them may be appointed. The exact number shall be set by resolution of the Board of Directors.

MRS officers include a president, a vice president (who is also president-elect), a secretary, a treasurer and the immediate past president.

Members of the Board may serve on the Board’s committees, Board task forces, or other ad hoc efforts commissioned by the Board. Each committee, task force or ad hoc effort is responsible for formulating policy and strategy issues in their specific areas for full Board consideration.

Board of Directors

2024 MRS Officers

  • Takao Someya

    President, The University of Tokyo

  • Sabrina Sartori

    Immediate Past President, University of Oslo

  • Eric A. Stach

    Vice President, University of Pennsylvania

  • Dawnielle Farrar-Gaines

    Secretary, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab

  • Shenda M. Baker

    Treasurer, Synedgen Inc.

  • Todd M. Osman

    Executive Director, MRS

Operating Committees

MRS operating committees form the operational heart of the society and are made up of energized volunteers who wish to help drive forward specific aspects of the society. 

Awards Committee

The MRS Awards Committee manages Society awards, arranges presentations, recommends new or modified awards, and oversees publicity, all in line with Board-approved policies.

Career Advancement Committee

The Career Advancement Committee develops programs and services to advance MRS members' careers, assessing practices to meet their evolving needs.

Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs Committee shapes materials-related science and technology policy by engaging with government officials and organizations nationally and internationally.

Meetings Committee

The Meetings Committee plans, executes, and evaluates program content for all Society meetings, including technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, and partnered or co-sponsored events.

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee ensures the quality of MRS publications, providing oversight and direction for the Society's journals, books, news, educational materials, and other print and electronic publications.

Society Agility Council

The Society Agility Council works to coordinate and maintain innovative topical communities within MRS and works with MRS volunteers and staff to establish MRS strategic priorities related to those topical communities.

Current Standing Board Committees


MRS Members are highly encouraged to participate in the election of MRS officers and board members. Elections are typically held in the third quarter of each calendar year, and officers and board members begin their terms on January 1 of the following year. 
Learn More
ballot for election