Board Committees

Members of the Board may serve on the Board’s committees, Board task forces, or other ad hoc efforts commissioned by the Board. Each committee, task force or ad hoc effort is responsible for formulating policy and strategy issues in their specific areas for full Board consideration.


The Executive Committee, chaired by the president and consisting of the officers, is responsible for the effective functioning of MRS’s Board and for the maintenance and development of the Board/executive director working relationship.

Finance and Audit

The Finance and Audit Committee is responsible for developing and overseeing the annual budget, overseeing MRS investment performance, monitoring reserve funds, reviewing monthly financial statements, and reviewing Materials Research Society Foundation proposals. 


The Governance Committee, chaired by the secretary is responsible for the development of MRS volunteer policies and oversees MRS's Standards of Behavior.  The Governance Committee is also responsible for advising the Nominating Committee on Board demographics.


The Nominating Committee prepares a slate of candidates for the positions of Vice President, Secretary, when necessary, and Directors of the Materials Research Society, for submission to the Board of Directors for approval. Additionally, this committee proposes candidates for any vacant positions on the Board, and assists the Vice President in identifying candidates for Meeting Chair and Volume Organizer appointments. The Nominating Committee is an independent committee that is accountable to and reports directly to the Board.