November 29 - December 4, 2015
Boston, Massachusetts
2015 MRS Fall Meeting

Symposium Y-Shape Programmable Materials

The shape of a functional object or device is an important consideration in many applications. Adding (re)configurability further extends the capability of these systems and opens up new application avenues. Accordingly, shape programmable materials are of widespread interest in actuation, manufacturing, deployment, flexible electronics, aerospace, medicine, and optics. Research of shape programmable materials strongly draws upon materials science, fundamental science (chemistry, biology, physics), and functional engineering disciplines (aerospace, civil, industrial, mechanical). The overarching goal of this symposium is to bring together this highly interdisciplinary and ever-growing community to facilitate information exchange relating to materials approaches, programming techniques and methods, mechanics integrations and implementations, and design tool development.

Building off recent investments from the NSF and AFOSR, the symposium will highlight a burgeoning subcategory of this topic relating to origami-inspired topological design motifs. Furthermore, the symposium will include invited abstracts from industrial speakers from the consumer products, athletic performance, and aerospace industries. It is expected that these abstracts will be complimented by a diverse set of contributions and invited speakers ranging from fundamental materials chemistry to mechanical design and topology optimization.

Topics will include:

  • Programmable matter
  • Theory and modeling of shape-changing materials
  • Shape memory polymers and alloys
  • Materials chemistry of stimuli-responsive materials
  • Micro-scale shape-morphing materials and systems
  • Integration into applications and reconfigurable devices
  • Novel uses including art, logistics, packaging, compliant structures

Invited Speakers:

  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_0 (North Carolina State University, USA)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_1 (Leibniz Institute, Germany)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_2 (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_3 (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, France)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_4 (Helmholtz-Zetrum Geesthacht, Germany)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_5 (Brigham Young University, USA)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_6 (Syracuse University, USA)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_7 (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_8 (Air Force Research Laboratory, USA)
  • Y_Shape Programmable Materials_9 (Rice University, USA)

Symposium Organizers

Timothy White
Air Force Research Laboratory
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate

Jacob Adams
Procter and Gamble

Christopher Kloxin
University of Delaware
Materials Science and Engineering

Shu Yang
University of Pennsylvania
Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
