MRS Meetings and Events


MD02.07.21 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Towards Automatic Characterization of Nano-Energetic Material Response to Directed Energy

When and Where

Apr 13, 2023
5:00pm - 7:00pm

Moscone West, Level 1, Exhibit Hall



Camden Boyle1,Timothy Gaines1,Alex Hurt1,James Keller1,Grant Scott1,Stanton Price2,Matthew Maschmann1

University of Missouri–Columbia1,U.S. Army Research and Development Center2


Camden Boyle1,Timothy Gaines1,Alex Hurt1,James Keller1,Grant Scott1,Stanton Price2,Matthew Maschmann1

University of Missouri–Columbia1,U.S. Army Research and Development Center2
Aluminum nanoparticles (Al-NPs) have garnered interest from researchers due to their low cost, naturally occurring passivating aluminum-oxide shell, and high energy density. The passivating oxide shell limits the achievable rate of reaction, thus restricting the possible applications for this material. Various proposed reaction mechanisms describe the escape of aluminum from the passivation shell. The first and most common is thermally driven diffusion which describes when a cluster of particles is irradiated, the temperature increase causes particles near sinter together. The melt dispersion mechanism proposes that volumetric expansion during rapid heating overcomes the yield stress of the shell, leading to shell rupture and spallation of the particle. Melt dispersion remains largely unobserved experimentally, and therefore not fully understood. However, if this mechanism was well understood and triggerable, the application space for aluminum nanoparticles would expand significantly.<br/>To better understand these reaction mechanisms, single particle experimentation has been performed using targeted photothermal heating with a custom optical microscope setup equipped with a microscope camera, piezoelectric nano positioner, and diode laser. Experiments have been performed by irradiating particles or particle clusters while capturing optical and SEM images before and after irradiation. However, because particle composition, particle diameter, heating rate, and packing density are all contributing factors to reaction outcomes, the parameter space has become overwhelmingly large to explore using traditional experimental techniques. To combat this, automation has been employed to accelerate the experimental throughput allowing for more efficient and effective exploration of this parameter space. Automation was achieved by coordinating the microscope setup using a control computer and API calls to carry out experimentation without the need for human intervention. Likewise, computer vision techniques have been used to measure distinctive features from images captured before and after directed energy excitation of nanoenergetic particles. These features are used to describe the reactions in the pursuit of creating an automated nanoenergetic material reaction characterization model. Combined, these endeavors can autonomously collect and analyze experimental data to better inform researchers and physical models.


autonomous research | nanoscale

Symposium Organizers

Soumendu Bagchi, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Huck Beng Chew, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Haoran Wang, Utah State University
Jiaxin Zhang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Symposium Support

Patterns and Matter, Cell Press

Session Chairs

Soumendu Bagchi
Haoran Wang

In this Session

Automated Defect Analysis of CdSe Nanoparticles through Supervised Learning with Large Simulated Databases

STEM Image Analysis Based on Deep Learning—Identification of Vacancy of Defects and Polymorphs of MoS2

Beyond Single Molecules: Intermolecular Interference Effects

Insight into the Reactivity of Electrocatalytic Glycerol Oxidation—The Strength of the Hydroxyl Group Bonding on Surface

Ripplocation Boundaries and Kink Boundaries in Layered Solids

Data-Driven Electrode Optimization for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery by Reduced Order Model

Application of Baysian Super Resolution to Spectroscopic Data Analysis

A Workflow to Track Time-Resolved Dislocation Behavior in High Temperature Aluminum

Investigation of Solidification in Supercooled Water Drops using Large Data Sets of Synchronized Optical Images and X-ray Diffraction Patterns

Characterizing Dislocations by formulating the Invisibility Criterion for DFXM

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Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature