MRS Meetings and Events


SB08.07.05 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Functional Polyurathane Foams with Sustainable Micro- and Nanoscale Reinforcing Agents

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
2:45pm - 3:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Room 109



Zeynep Iyigundogdu1

Adana Science and Techology University1


Zeynep Iyigundogdu1

Adana Science and Techology University1
Incorporating additives and structural fillers into polyurethane foams can provide improved mechanical, thermal, electrical properties to create higher performance components made from such foams and can provide improved noise vibration harshness (NVH) and antimicrobial properties. This study explores the effect of adding micro and nanoscale fillers (nanocellulose, biocarbon, graphite, etc.) from sustainable sources as reinforcing agent on thermal stability and mechanical, physical, and sound absorption and antimicrobial properties of flexible polyurethane foam. The incorporation of sustainable micro-and nanoscale reinforcing agents increased the compression modulus and Young's Modulus significantly compared to the control. The addition of reinforcing agents at low concentration (less than 0.25wt.%) showed improvement in sound absorption of plane waves at low frequency range. Minimum inhibitory concentration values were determined by the lowest concentration of the graphite that inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Adding sustainable micro and nanoscale reinforcing agents from the natural sources or recycling products into polyurethane foam reduced waste to landfill and created a superior foam product. This presentation also exemplifies the benefits of creating a closed-loop plastic industry to improve polymer materials and protect the mother earth



Symposium Organizers

Katherine Copenhaver, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Heli Kangas, Valmet
Mihrimah Ozkan, University of California, Riverside
Mehmet Seydibeyoglu, Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature