MRS Meetings and Events


SB08.02.05 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Nature’s Way: Hierarchical Manufacturing with Biotic Composites

When and Where

Nov 27, 2023
3:15pm - 3:30pm

Hynes, Level 1, Room 109



Sabrina Shen1,Markus Buehler1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1


Sabrina Shen1,Markus Buehler1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1
Industrial material production is responsible for over half of greenhouse gas emissions from industry which, coupled with biodiversity decline and depletion of critical resources, threatens the livelihood of current and future generations of both humans and non-human species. Conversely, the natural world manufactures enormous quantities of materials that can dramatically outperform human engineering while empowering, rather than degrading, the environment, by architecting simple and common building blocks in creative ways, tuning molecular composition, then nanoscale and macroscale geometries to derive highly specialized properties. This work proposes a new paradigm for materials design that achieves goals of sustainability by aligning and integrating models of material production with natural systems, utilizing modern computation and additive manufacturing technology while drawing source and inspiration from nature. We develop a library of 3D-printable functional composites from fully biotic and non-toxic building blocks, and characterize their mechanical, surface, and biodegradation characteristics. We moreover investigate the advantages afforded by additive manufacturing, including fabrication of hierarchical architectures similar to those found in nature. Finally, we explore strategies to further functionalize similar material platforms with computation-guided biocomposite optimization, generative microstructure design, and incorporation of living components for novel hybrid-living materials.



Symposium Organizers

Katherine Copenhaver, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Heli Kangas, Valmet
Mihrimah Ozkan, University of California, Riverside
Mehmet Seydibeyoglu, Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature