MRS Meetings and Events


EL08.13.07 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Quantum Nanoplasmonic Networks at Ambient Temperature

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
4:00pm - 4:30pm

Hynes, Level 3, Room 312



Ortwin Hess1

Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin1


Ortwin Hess1

Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin1
Quantum technologies are widely expected to bring a revolution in communications and information technologies in the coming decade allowing, for example, un-paralleled levels of secure communications. For quantum communication, photonic quantum effects have played a central role, but most photonic solutions and systems based on light-matter interaction also require cryogenic environments. Strong coupling of light and matter at the single emitter level is a fundamental quantum resource offering deterministic energy exchange between single photons and a two-level system, and the possibility to achieve single-photon nonlinearities via the anharmonicity of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder. Until recently, however, the conditions for achieving strong light-matter coupling were most commonly met at cryogenic temperatures such that de-coherence processes are suppressed. As a major step forward, we have recently demonstrated room-temperature strong coupling of single molecules [1] and single quantum dots [2] to ultra-confined light fields in plasmonic resonators at ambient conditions. The fact that strong-coupling conditions may be reached at room temperature is of immense interest because it represents a clear route to a practical implementation and use of quantum behaviour in nanophotonic systems and its application in bio-sensing [3].<br/><br/>The talk will discuss how nanoplasmonics can be an enabler of ultrafast quantum nanophotonic networks via strong coupling and ultrafast quantum dynamics [4]. We will highlight the physics associated with recently demonstrated room-temperature strong coupling of single molecules in a plasmonic nano-cavity [1] and near-field generated strong coupling of single quantum dots [2] and single quantum emitter Dicke enhancement [5] paving the road towards single-photon quantum nonlinearities. The presentation will also explain near-field enhanced single-photon emission in near-zero index materials [6] and ultrafast multi-partite quantum entanglement [7]. This provides the foundation for unprecedented control over photon number, single photon dynamics, and dynamic multi-photon coherence. These properties are all imperative for the development of next-generation, nanoscale building blocks in ambient-temperature quantum communication technologies.<br/><br/><b>ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS</b><br/>Supported by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) via grants 18/RP/6236 and 22/QERA/3821.<br/><br/><b>REFERENCES</b><br/>[1] R. Chikkaraddy, B. de Nijs, F. Benz, S. J. Barrow, O. A. Scherman, E. Rosta, A. Demetriadou, P. Fox, O. Hess, and J. J. Baumberg, <i>Single-Molecule Strong Coupling at Room Temperature in Plasmonic Nanocavities</i>, Nature <b>535</b>, 127 (2016).<br/>[2] H. Groß, J. M. Hamm, T. Tufarelli, O. Hess, and B. Hecht, <i>Near-Field Strong Coupling of Single Quantum Dots</i>, Science Advances <b>4</b>, eaar4906 (2018).<br/>[3] N. Kongsuwan, X. Xiong, P. Bai, J.-B. You, C. E. Png, L. Wu, and O. Hess, <i>Quantum Plasmonic Immunoassay Sensing</i>, Nano Lett. <b>19</b>, 5853 (2019).<br/>[4] X. Xiong, N. Kongsuwan, Y. Lai, C. E. Png, L. Wu, and O. Hess, <i>Room-Temperature Plexcitonic Strong Coupling: Ultrafast Dynamics for Quantum Applications</i>, Appl. Phys. Lett. <b>118</b>, 130501 (2021).<br/>[5] T. Tufarelli, D. Friedrich, H. Groß, J. Hamm, O. Hess, and B. Hecht, <i>Single Quantum Emitter Dicke Enhancement</i>, Phys. Rev. Research <b>3</b>, 033103 (2021).<br/>[6] F. Bello, N. Kongsuwan, J. F. Donegan, and O. Hess, <i>Controlled Cavity-Free, Single-Photon Emission and Bipartite Entanglement of Near-Field-Excited Quantum Emitters</i>, Nano Lett. <b>20</b>, 5830 (2020).<br/>[7] F. D. Bello, N. Kongsuwan, and O. Hess, <i>Near-Field Generation and Control of Ultrafast, Multipartite Entanglement for Quantum Nanoplasmonic Networks</i>, Nano Lett. <b>22</b>, 2801 (2022).



Symposium Organizers

Viktoriia Babicheva, University of New Mexico
Yu-Jung Lu, Academia Sinica
Benjamin Vest, Institut d'Optique Graduate School
Ho Wai (Howard) Lee, University of California, Irvine

Symposium Support

ACS Photonics | ACS Publications
APL Quantum | AIP Publishing
Enli Technology Co., LTD
Nanophotonics | De Gruyter
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC)

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature