MRS Meetings and Events


DS04.09.01 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Leaning Governing Relations in Battery Electrodes: Hybridizing Physics- and Data-Driven Approaches

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
1:30pm - 2:00pm

Sheraton, Second Floor, Back Bay B



William C. Chueh1

Stanford University1


William C. Chueh1

Stanford University1
The vast design space and long lifetime of batteries have limited the speed of innovations at the materials, cell, and systems level. In this talk, I will overview efforts at Stanford to dramatically accelerate the pace of research and development for lithium-ion batteries by hybridizing physics-based and data-driven approaches. Specifically, I will present our recent work on predicting not only battery lifetime but also aging mechanisms, which lays the foundation for transferable learnings between multiple battery chemistries. I will also showcase new methods for learning heterogeneities at the particle and electrode levels by combining multi-fidelity characterizations, physics-based modeling, and machine learning.

Symposium Organizers

Andrew Detor, GE Research
Jason Hattrick-Simpers, University of Toronto
Yangang Liang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Doris Segets, University of Duisburg-Essen

Symposium Support


Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature