MRS Meetings and Events


NM01.28.02 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Water-Based and Defect-Free 2D Material Inks for Printed and Wearable Electronics

When and Where

May 23, 2022
7:00pm - 7:30pm




Cinzia Casiraghi1

University of Manchester1


Cinzia Casiraghi1

University of Manchester1
Our group has developed highly concentrated, defect-free, printable and water-based 2D crystal formulations, designed to provide optimal film formation for multi-stack fabrication [1]. I will give examples of all-inkjet printed heterostructures, such as large area arrays of photosensors on plastic [1], programmable logic memory devices [1], capacitors [2], and transistors on paper [2,3]. Furthermore, inkjet printing can be easily combined with materials produced by chemical vapor deposition, allowing simple and quick fabrication of complex circuits on paper, such as high-gain inverters, logic gates, and current mirrors [4]. This technology can be sucesfully extended to CMOS [5]. Examples of wereable sensors and visco-elastic electrodes made with our inks will also be provided [6-8].<br/>[1] McManus et al, Nature Nano, 12, 343 (2017)<br/>[2] Worsley et al, ACS Nano, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b06464<br/>[3] Lu et al, ACS Nano, ACS Nano, 13, 11263 (2019)<br/>[4] Conti et al, Nature comms, 11 (1), 1-9 (2020)<br/>[5] Brunetti et al, NPJ 2D Materials, just accepted<br/>[6] Worsley et al, under review<br/>[7] Chen et al, under review<br/>[8] Tringides et al, Nature Nano, 2021


additive manufacturing

Symposium Organizers

Zakaria Al Balushi, University of California, Berkeley
Olga Kazakova, National Physical Laboratory
Su Ying Quek, National University of Singapore
Hyeon Jin Shin, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology

Symposium Support

Applied Physics Reviews | AIP Publishing
Penn State 2DCC-MIP

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature