MRS Meetings and Events


EN04.03/EN02.04.08 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Strain-Induced Domains Introduce Anisotropic Charge Diffusion in Perovskite Absorber

When and Where

Nov 29, 2022
11:15am - 11:30am

Hynes, Level 3, Ballroom A



Ilka Hermes1,2,Andreas Best2,Kaloian Koynov2,David Ginger3,Liam Collins4,Hans-Jürgen Butt2,Stefan Weber2

Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden e.V.1,Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research2,University of Washington3,Oak Ridge National Laboratory4


Ilka Hermes1,2,Andreas Best2,Kaloian Koynov2,David Ginger3,Liam Collins4,Hans-Jürgen Butt2,Stefan Weber2

Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden e.V.1,Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research2,University of Washington3,Oak Ridge National Laboratory4
A heterogeneous lattice strain distribution in the polycrystalline absorber layer of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has been connected to a range of detrimental phenomena including an increase in nonradiative recombination,<sup>1</sup> an acceleration of the material degradation<sup>2</sup> as well as an overall loss in efficiency.<sup>3</sup><br/>On the other hand, during a controlled crystallization via solvent annealing,<sup>4</sup> the prototype perovskite absorber methylammonium lead iodide releases lattice strain by forming well-ordered subcrystalline periodic domains that alternate in their orientation of the long crystal axis.<sup>5</sup> Due to their ferroelastic nature, the arrangement of such domains can be influenced by heat treatments above the critical phase transition temperature and external mechanical stress.<sup>6, 7</sup> While the ferroelastic domains appear to exhibit a benign effect on the nonradiative recombination,<sup>8</sup> we observed in our correlated electromechanical atomic force and spatial and time-resolved photoluminescence microscopy study that the domains introduce an anisotropy in the charge carrier transport: charges diffusing parallel to the domains were faster than charges diffusing perpendicular to the domains.<sup>9</sup> Moreover, we found that the domains appear to be oriented in a 90° angle with respect to the (110) crystal plane, thus, offering an explanation for the observed improved performance for PSCs, in which the perovskite absorber features a preferential (110) orientation.<sup>10</sup> Here, a faster charge transport parallel to the domains may increase the charge extraction and thereby enhance the efficiency.<br/><br/>1. T. W. Jones, A. Osherov, M. Alsari, M. Sponseller, B. C. Duck, Y.-K. Jung, C. Settens, F. Niroui, R. Brenes and C. V. Stan, <i>Energy & Environmental Science</i>, 2019, <b>12</b>, 596-606.<br/>2. J. Zhao, Y. Deng, H. Wei, X. Zheng, Z. Yu, Y. Shao, J. E. Shield and J. Huang, <i>Science advances</i>, 2017, <b>3</b>, eaao5616.<br/>3. K. Nishimura, D. Hirotani, M. A. Kamarudin, Q. Shen, T. Toyoda, S. Iikubo, T. Minemoto, K. Yoshino and S. Hayase, <i>ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces</i>, 2019, <b>11</b>, 31105-31110.<br/>4. Z. Xiao, Q. Dong, C. Bi, Y. Shao, Y. Yuan and J. Huang, <i>Advanced Materials</i>, 2014, <b>26</b>, 6503-6509.<br/>5. I. M. Hermes, S. A. Bretschneider, V. W. Bergmann, D. Li, A. Klasen, J. Mars, W. Tremel, F. Laquai, H.-J. Butt, M. Mezger, R. Berger, B. J. Rodriguez and S. A. L. Weber, <i>The Journal of Physical Chemistry C</i>, 2016, <b>120</b>, 5724-5731.<br/>6. R. M. Kennard, C. J. Dahlman, R. A. DeCrescent, J. A. Schuller, K. Mukherjee, R. Seshadri and M. L. Chabinyc, <i>Chemistry of Materials</i>, 2020, <b>33</b>, 298-309.<br/>7. E. Strelcov, Q. Dong, T. Li, J. Chae, Y. Shao, Y. Deng, A. Gruverman, J. Huang and A. Centrone, <i>Science advances</i>, 2017, <b>3</b>, e1602165.<br/>8. X. Xiao, W. Li, Y. Fang, Y. Liu, Y. Shao, S. Yang, J. Zhao, X. Dai, R. Zia and J. Huang, <i>Nature communications</i>, 2020, <b>11</b>, 1-7.<br/>9. I. M. Hermes, A. Best, L. Winkelmann, J. Mars, S. M. Vorpahl, M. Mezger, L. Collins, H.-J. Butt, D. S. Ginger, K. Koynov and S. A. L. Weber, <i>Energy & Environmental Science</i>, 2020, <b>13</b>, 4168-4177.<br/>10. P. Docampo, F. C. Hanusch, N. Giesbrecht, P. Angloher, A. Ivanova and T. Bein, <i>Apl Materials</i>, 2014, <b>2</b>, 081508.


diffusion | scanning probe microscopy (SPM) | twins

Symposium Organizers

Sascha Feldmann, Harvard University
Selina Olthof, University of Cologne
Shuxia Tao, Eindhoven University of Technology
Alexander Urban, LMU Munich

Symposium Support


Software for Chemistry & Materials BV

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature