MRS Meetings and Events


EQ01.03.19 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Moreau Relation and the Nernst Effect in Semiconductors

When and Where

Nov 28, 2022
8:00pm - 10:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Jean Ghantous1,Max Buskirk1,Matt Beekman1

California Polytechnic State University1


Jean Ghantous1,Max Buskirk1,Matt Beekman1

California Polytechnic State University1
An empirical relation first proposed by Moreau and later by Bridgman expresses the Nernst coefficient of a metal as the product of the Thomson coefficient, electrical conductivity, and Hall coefficient. Thus a feature of this relation is that the Nernst coefficient changes sign whenever the slope of the Seebeck coefficient changes sign, behavior that has been observed to hold not only in metals but also in some semiconductors. Here, within the Boltzmann transport theory, we provide an evaluation of the extent to which the Moreau relation applies to semiconductor materials more generally, and specifically in the case of Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3</sub>. Implications for interpretation of Nernst measurements for determining charge carrier scatting mechanisms, as well as applications in thermomagnetic energy conversion, will also be discussed.



Symposium Organizers

Sepideh Akhbarifar, The Catholic University of America
Guangzhao Qin, Hunan University
Heng Wang, Illinois Institute of Technology
Sarah J. Watzman, University of Cincinnati

Symposium Support

National Science Foundation

Session Chairs

Sepideh Akhbarifar
Heng Wang
Sarah J. Watzman

In this Session

Mobility-Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in Textured Nanograin Bi2Se3, Effect on Scattering and Surface-Like Transport

A General Approach for Exploiting X-Ray Dynamical Diffraction in Material Sciences and Biophysics

Challenges and Novel Strategies in High-Performance Thermoelectric Material Engineering

P-N Conversion of CrN Films by Oxygen Incorporation and Their Thermoelectric Properties

Effect of Powder ALD Interface Modification on the Thermoelectric Performance of Bismuth

Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties by Magnetic Impurities in Lead-free Thermoelectric Materials

End-On Oriented PEDOT/Graphene Films for Photo-Magneto-Thermoelectric Effect

Mass Production of Cu2-xSe Nanoparticle for Thermoelectric Bulk Materials with Nanosized Grains via High Concentration Metal Complex Precursor

Organic Thermoelectrics

Synthesis of Graphene/Cu Nanoparticles by Photoreduction Method for Enhancing Thermoelectric Power Factor

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