MRS Meetings and Events


EQ01.03.12 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Testing the Validity of Wiedemann-Franz Law Using Thermoreflectance-Based Methods in Thin Copper Films

When and Where

Nov 28, 2022
8:00pm - 10:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Md. Rafiqul Islam1,John Tomko1,Md Shafkat Bin Hoque1,Eric Hoglund1,Sean King2,Christopher Jezewski2,Colin Landon2,Daniel Hirt1,Kiumars Aryana1,Colin Carver2,Thomas Pfeifer1,Patrick Hopkins1

University of Virginia1,Intel Corporation2


Md. Rafiqul Islam1,John Tomko1,Md Shafkat Bin Hoque1,Eric Hoglund1,Sean King2,Christopher Jezewski2,Colin Landon2,Daniel Hirt1,Kiumars Aryana1,Colin Carver2,Thomas Pfeifer1,Patrick Hopkins1

University of Virginia1,Intel Corporation2
To determine the thermal properties of thin metal films, a common approach is to measure their electrical resistivity and then calculate in-plane thermal conductivity employing the Wiedemann- Franz (WF) law and the bulk metal’s Lorenz number. However, the implementation of the WF law in calculating thermal conductivity can be refuted because of the Lorenz number deviating from its bulk value owing to thickness-dependent microstructure, inelastic electron-phonon scattering events, and/or point defect density. In this work, we address the dearth of understanding of how thermal and electrical properties of copper (Cu) films scale at nanometer dimensions via independent measurements of the thermal and electrical transport properties. We perform sheet resistance and thermoreflectance-based nanoscale thermal conductance measurements on Cu films ranging from 25 to 500 nm thick, grown by physical vapor deposition (PVD) and electroplating methods. We directly measure the in-plane thermal conductivity of the Cu thin films via time-domain thermoreflectance and steady-state thermoreflectance techniques. We find the in-plane thermal conductivity of thin films deviates at least 15% from the WF law-derived thermal conductivity. This deviation in thermal conductivity of thin films can be attributed to their columnar grain structures and more electron-phonon scattering events compared to the bulk one.


electron-phonon interactions | metal | thermal conductivity

Symposium Organizers

Sepideh Akhbarifar, The Catholic University of America
Guangzhao Qin, Hunan University
Heng Wang, Illinois Institute of Technology
Sarah J. Watzman, University of Cincinnati

Symposium Support

National Science Foundation

Session Chairs

Sepideh Akhbarifar
Heng Wang
Sarah J. Watzman

In this Session

Mobility-Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in Textured Nanograin Bi2Se3, Effect on Scattering and Surface-Like Transport

A General Approach for Exploiting X-Ray Dynamical Diffraction in Material Sciences and Biophysics

Challenges and Novel Strategies in High-Performance Thermoelectric Material Engineering

P-N Conversion of CrN Films by Oxygen Incorporation and Their Thermoelectric Properties

Effect of Powder ALD Interface Modification on the Thermoelectric Performance of Bismuth

Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties by Magnetic Impurities in Lead-free Thermoelectric Materials

End-On Oriented PEDOT/Graphene Films for Photo-Magneto-Thermoelectric Effect

Mass Production of Cu2-xSe Nanoparticle for Thermoelectric Bulk Materials with Nanosized Grains via High Concentration Metal Complex Precursor

Organic Thermoelectrics

Synthesis of Graphene/Cu Nanoparticles by Photoreduction Method for Enhancing Thermoelectric Power Factor

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