
Micro Four-Point Probe for Anisotropic Thermal Diffusivity Mapping

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
8:00pm - 10:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Neetu Lamba1,Braulio Beltrán Pitarch1,2,Muhamed Dawod3,Alex Berner3,Benny Guralnik2,Yaron Amouyal3,Ole Hansen1,Nini Pryds1,Dirch Hjorth Petersen1

Technical University of Denmark1,KLA2,Technion–Israel Institute of Technology3


Neetu Lamba1,Braulio Beltrán Pitarch1,2,Muhamed Dawod3,Alex Berner3,Benny Guralnik2,Yaron Amouyal3,Ole Hansen1,Nini Pryds1,Dirch Hjorth Petersen1

Technical University of Denmark1,KLA2,Technion–Israel Institute of Technology3
High-resolution microscale thermal diffusivity characterization is vital for a deeper understanding of materials used in thermoelectric energy harvesters, nano/microelectronic, and thermal management. Analyzing the thermal properties of individual grains can advance the development of these materials, however, only a few techniques currently exist for microscale characterization of the thermal properties.<br/>Micro four-point probe (M4PP) has been widely used by the semiconductor industry to characterize thin films for sheet resistance, carrier mobility, and magnetoresistance. Currently, we are exploring the use of M4PP for estimating the thermal properties of materials including the Seebeck coefficient, thermal diffusivity, and the temperature coefficient of resistance.<br/>Here, I will present a novel method for measuring the thermal diffusivity of individual grains with varying orientations using the M4PP. The local thermal diffusivity measurements were performed on a prototypical bulk thermoelectric Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>3 </sub>sample at room temperature. The thermal diffusivity was then correlated with the orientation of the grains measured with electron-backscattered diffraction (EBSD). The method for measuring thermal diffusivity proposed in this study provides rapid and accurate thermal characterization, thereby opening up opportunities for a detailed understanding of microstructures.


metrology | thermal diffusivity | thermoelectricity

Symposium Organizers

Liam Collins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Rajiv Giridharagopal, University of Washington
Philippe Leclere, University of Mons
Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, University of California, Santa Barbara

Symposium Support

Digital Surf

Session Chairs

Liam Collins
Rajiv Giridharagopal
Philippe Leclere

In this Session

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Platinum Selenide Nanoparticles Synthesis and Their Reaction with Butyllithium Breaking the Long-Range Ordering Structure

Effect of Pore Size on Surface Properties of Porous Solids: Determining the Hydrophilicity of Carbon Supports using the Hansen Solubility Parameters and Dielectric Spectroscopy

Insights on The Disordered Nature in Amorphous-Based Anode Materials from Electron Pair Distribution Function

Thickness Dependence and In Situ Studies of Nanomechanical Properties of Polymer Thin Films Upon Gas-Polymer Interaction using Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation (AMFM) Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

Cathode Electrolyte Interphase on the Surface of High-Nickel Cathode Materials based on Different Residual Lithium Species

Subnanometer-Scale Mobile Structures Localized at an Interface Between One-Dimensionally Aligned Sulfonate Groups and Water Investigated by Three-Dimensional Scanning AFM

Ferroelectric SrTiO3 Induced by Energetic Ion Irradiation

Resistive Switching Behaviors of TiO2 Protection Layers via Electrochemical Forming Process for Robust Photoelectrochemcial Water Splitting

Characterization and Testing of Porous Boron Nitride Towards Application in Adsorption-Based Processes

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Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature


Symposium Support