MRS Meetings and Events


NM03.05.05 2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Anti-Arrhenius Passage of Gaseous Molecules through Nanoporous Two-Dimensional Membranes

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
4:00pm - 4:30pm

Room 329, Level 3, Summit



Armin Goelzhaeuser1,Petr Dementyev1

Bielefeld University1


Armin Goelzhaeuser1,Petr Dementyev1

Bielefeld University1
The passage of molecules through membranes is known to follow an Arrhenius-like kinetics, i.e. the flux is accelerated upon heating and vice versa. There exist though stepwise processes whose rates can decrease with temperature if, for example, adsorbed intermediates are involved. In this study, we perform temperature-variable permeation experiments in the range from -50 to +50 °C and observe anti-Arrhenius behaviour of water and ammonia permeating in two-dimensional freestanding carbon nanomembranes (CNMs). The permeation rate of water vapour is found to drop manyfold with warming, while the passage of ammonia molecules strongly increases when the membrane is cooled down to the dew point. Liquefaction of isobutylene shows no enhancement for its transmembrane flux which is consistent with the material’s pore architecture.


gas chromatography | thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

Symposium Organizers

Michael Boutilier, Western University
Ngoc Bui, The University of Oklahoma
Piran Ravichandran Kidambi, Vanderbilt University
Sui Zhang, National University of Singapore

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature