MRS Meetings and Events


QT07.09.01 2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Topological Semimetals in Heavy Fermion Compounds

When and Where

Apr 25, 2024
8:45am - 9:15am

Room 448, Level 4, Summit



Silke Buehler-Paschen1

Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)1


Silke Buehler-Paschen1

Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)1
Gapless electronic topology driven by strong correlations is an emerging field of great interest, with heavy fermion compounds at its forefront. I will introduce the first such materials class, Weyl-Kondo semimetals [1-3], and report on the giant signatures of topology observed in Ce<sub>3</sub>Bi<sub>4</sub>Pd<sub>3</sub> [1,3] and the genuine topology control that can be achieved by magnetic field tuning [4,5]. I will also discuss design strategies for further correlation-driven topological phases, and discuss several realizations [6,7].<br/>This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF-I4047, I5868-FOR5249-QUAST, SFB F 86, Q-M&S), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (824109, EMP), and the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant 101055088, CorMeTop).<br/><br/>[1] S. Dzsaber et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 246601 (2017).<br/>[2] H.-H. Lai et al., PNAS 115/1, 93 (2018).<br/>[3] S. Dzsaber et al., PNAS 118, e2013386118 (2021).<br/>[4] S. Dzsaber et al., Nat. Commun. 13, 5729 (2022).<br/>[5] S. E. Grefe et al., arXiv:2012.15841.<br/>[6] L. Chen et al., Nat. Phys. 18, 1341 (2022).<br/>[7] H. Hu et al., arXiv:2110.06182.<br/>[8] D. M. Kirschbaum et al., in preparation (2023).


crystal growth | electrical properties | specific heat

Symposium Organizers

Rafal Kurleto, University of Colorado Boulder
Stephan Lany, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Stephanie Law, The Pennsylvania State University
Hsin Lin, Academia Sinica

Session Chairs

Stephan Lany
Stephanie Law

In this Session

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature