MRS Meetings and Events


CH03.02.03 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Probing the Hydrogen Interaction with Supported Pt and Pd Catalysts by Inelastic Neutron Scattering

When and Where

Apr 11, 2023
3:00pm - 3:30pm

InterContinental, Fifth Floor, Fremont



Andrea Piovano1,Eleonora Vottero2,Riccardo Pellegrini3,Elena Groppo2

Institut Laue-Langevin1,University of Torino2,Chimet SpA3


Andrea Piovano1,Eleonora Vottero2,Riccardo Pellegrini3,Elena Groppo2

Institut Laue-Langevin1,University of Torino2,Chimet SpA3
Pt and Pd nanoparticles on carbonaceous supports are widely employed as heterogeneous catalysts for hydrogenation reactions, and find application in fundamental industrial sectors such as fine chemistry or as fuel cell electrocatalysts. Carbonaceous materials are also largely investigated as hydrogen storage materials, and the introduction of metal nanoparticles was demonstrated to be able to increase the hydrogen uptake of the material. Albeit their routine use, many details about their interaction with H<sub>2</sub>, and hence on their hydrogenation catalytic activity, are still not completely understood.<br/>In this presentation, I will make a journey into the recent advances we made on the understanding of several key aspects of these catalysts: the influence of the carbon activation method and possible post-treatment on the catalytic activity [1,2]; the morphology of the H-terminated graphenic domains [3]; identification and quantification of functional groups [4]; the active hydrogen species in the catalytic process [5]; the dynamical nature of the active species [6,7,8]; the catalysts support interaction including spillover effects [5,8]; the differences in behavior between gas and liquid phase [7,9]. All such effects are those that together finally shape catalytic activity and selectivity.<br/>In this respect, Inelastic Neutron Scattering played a major role thanks to its high sensitivity to hydrogen. INS spectra display an unprecedented quality, allowing the detection of extremely small changes on real catalysts. The data obtained for this same set of carbons and catalysts from other laboratory techniques, offered us the possibility to critically compare the results without the issue of sample reproducibility. When necessary, measurements were made on the same catalysts supported on alumina, to be able separate effects due to active phase or support.<br/>Overall, our findings provide important insights for better understanding the complex nature of the support-catalysts system and the interaction between hydrogen and Pt and Pd-loaded catalysts.<br/><br/><b>References</b>:<br/>[1] <i>Catal. Sci. Technol.</i> <b>2016</b>, 6, 4910; [2] <i>Catal. Sci. Technol.</i> <b>2017</b>, 7, 4162; [3] <i>Carbon</i> <b>2020,</b> 169, 357-369; [4] <i>Catal. Sci. Technol.</i> <b>2022</b>, 12, 1271; [5] <i>Faraday Discuss.</i> <b>2018</b>, 208, 227; [6] <i>ACS Catal.</i> <b>2019</b>, 9, 7124−7136; [7] <i>ChemCatChem</i> <b>2021</b>,13, 900; [8] <i>ACS Catal.</i> <b>2022</b>, 12, 5979−5989; [9] <i>Catal. Sci. Technol.</i> <b>2022</b>, 12, 1359


spectroscopy | surface chemistry

Symposium Organizers

Ke An, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Vanessa Peterson, ANSTO
Valeska Ting, University of Bristol
Helen Walker, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Symposium Support

ISIS Neutron and Muon Source

European Spallation Source ERIC

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature