MRS Meetings and Events


EL19.12.03 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Few-layer 2M and Td-TMDs: Topologically Nontrivial States, Superconductivity and Ferroelectricity

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
2:00pm - 2:30pm

Hynes, Level 3, Room 309



Daniel Rhodes3,Apoorv Jindal1,Amartyajyoti Saha2,Zizhong Li3,Yangchen He3,Takashi Taniguchi4,Kenji Watanabe4,James Hone1,Turan Birol2,Rafael Fernandes2,Cory Dean1,Abhay Narayan Pasupathy1

Columbia University1,University of Minnesota2,University of Wisconsin - Madison3,National Institute for Materials Science4


Daniel Rhodes3,Apoorv Jindal1,Amartyajyoti Saha2,Zizhong Li3,Yangchen He3,Takashi Taniguchi4,Kenji Watanabe4,James Hone1,Turan Birol2,Rafael Fernandes2,Cory Dean1,Abhay Narayan Pasupathy1

Columbia University1,University of Minnesota2,University of Wisconsin - Madison3,National Institute for Materials Science4
I will discuss our most recent results on superconductivity in bilayer <i>T<sub>d</sub></i>-MoTe<sub>2</sub>, For bilayer <i>T<sub>d</sub></i>-MoTe<sub>2</sub> the influence of an electrostatic gate allows us to identify a unique superconducting state that relies on Fermi surface nesting between hole and electron pockets. As a result, we show that the superconducting state can be completely quenched by an electrostatic gate. Concomitant to this effect, ferroelectricity resulting from interlayer sliding is also present in bilayer <i>T<sub>d</sub></i>-MoTe<sub>2</sub>, resulting in a hysteretic behavior of superconductivity with respect to an applied out-of-plane electric field. This behavior allows for the first investigations of how internal polarization might conflict with or enhance superconductivity in the two-dimensional limit. Time allowing, I will discuss our results on a similarly structured TMD in the few-layer limit, the topologically nontrivial 2M-WSe<sub>2</sub>.


ferroelectricity | magnetoresistance (transport)

Symposium Organizers

Sanjay Behura, San Diego State University
Kibum Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Andrew Mannix, Stanford University
Hyeon Jin Shin, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature