MRS Meetings and Events


EL19.11.07 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Reproducible Synthesis of Ultrahigh-Quality Graphene by Oxygen-Free Chemical Vapor Deposition

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
10:30am - 10:45am

Hynes, Level 3, Room 309



Xingzhou Yan1,Jacob Amontree1,Christopher DiMarco1,Pierre Levesque2,Tehseen Adel3,Madisen Holbrook1,Christian Cupo1,Dihao Sun1,Kenji Watanabe4,Takashi Taniguchi4,Cory Dean1,Angela Hight Walker3,Katayun Barmak1,Richard Martel2,James Hone1

Columbia University1,Université de Montréal2,National Institute of Standards and Technology3,National Institute for Materials Science4


Xingzhou Yan1,Jacob Amontree1,Christopher DiMarco1,Pierre Levesque2,Tehseen Adel3,Madisen Holbrook1,Christian Cupo1,Dihao Sun1,Kenji Watanabe4,Takashi Taniguchi4,Cory Dean1,Angela Hight Walker3,Katayun Barmak1,Richard Martel2,James Hone1

Columbia University1,Université de Montréal2,National Institute of Standards and Technology3,National Institute for Materials Science4
Progress in translating advances in the growth of graphene films by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to applications has been hindered by challenges in quality and reproducibility, as well as the lack of a simple model of growth kinetics. Here we show that eliminating trace oxygen leads to fast and highly reproducible CVD graphene growth. The dependence of growth rate on growth time, temperature, and CH4 pressure follow straightforward trends, while previously unobserved behavior is seen for H2 pressure. A compact kinetic model is constructed to describe the graphene growth behavior, which can be used to guide graphene synthesis. We confirm that ppm-level oxygen disrupts growth by etching the graphene edges, and map the boundary between growth and etching in the presence of H2. We demonstrate that trace oxygen causes two major sources of disorder in CVD-grown graphene: pinholes and amorphous carbon deposition. Finally, we grow epitaxial graphene on sapphire-supported Cu(111) films. The graphene shows few wrinkles, no evidence of amorphous carbon, and an ultra-low defect density. After dry transfer and device assembly, this graphene shows electrical transport behavior virtually indistinguishable from that of exfoliated graphene, both at room temperature and at low temperature.


C | chemical vapor deposition (CVD) (chemical reaction)

Symposium Organizers

Sanjay Behura, San Diego State University
Kibum Kang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Andrew Mannix, Stanford University
Hyeon Jin Shin, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature