MRS Meetings and Events


SF03.13.11 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Understanding the Structure-Catalytic Property Relationship: From Nanoparticles to Single Atoms

When and Where

Dec 1, 2023
4:15pm - 4:30pm

Hynes, Level 2, Room 202



Agus Poerwoprajitno1,Richard Tilley2,Dale Huber1

Sandia National Laboratories1,The University of New South Wales2


Agus Poerwoprajitno1,Richard Tilley2,Dale Huber1

Sandia National Laboratories1,The University of New South Wales2
Understanding the surface structure-catalytic properties relationship is vital to design highly active and stable catalysts for energy-related applications.<sup>[1]</sup> This is because the catalytic reaction occurs only on the surface. Our research focuses on precisely controlling the surface structure of nanocrystals, surface facets and crystal structure that defines the active site.<sup>[2]</sup> This high level of control enables us to study the effect of different active site on catalytic reactions. The next step is to use this well-defined nanocrystal as substrate for second metal decoration as for complex reaction, such as methanol oxidation reaction (MOR), where the exposure of two metals on the surface is important to improve catalytic activity, stability and selectivity.<sup>[3]</sup> We showed a synthetic approach to control the decoration of Pt single atom on faceted Ru nanoparticles that have successfully avoid CO-poisoning in MOR. The Pt single atoms were formed by spreading Pt islands and was studied by in-situ environmental TEM (ETEM) at atomic-level. We also discuss our recent work on scaling up the nanoparticle synthesis using microfluidic incorporated with in-situ characterization and assisted by AI.<br/>This work was performed, in part, at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525. The views expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. DOE or the United States Government.<br/><br/><b>References:</b><br/>[1] A. R. Poerwoprajitno, S. Cheong, L. Gloag, J. J. Gooding, R. D. Tilley, <i>Acc. Chem. Res. </i><b>2022</b>, <i>55</i>, 1693-1702.<br/>[2] A. R. Poerwoprajitno, L. Gloag, J. Watt, S. Cychy, S. Cheong, P. V. Kumar, T. M. Benedetti, C. Deng, K.-H. Wu, C. E. Marjo, D. L. Huber, M. Muhler, J. J. Gooding, W. Schuhmann, D.-W. Wang, R. D. Tilley, <i>Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., <b>2020</b>,</i> <i>59</i>, 15487-15491.<br/>[3] A. R. Poerwoprajitno, L. Gloag, J. Watt, S. Cheong, X. Tan, H. Lei, H. A. Tahini, A. Henson, B. Subhash, N. M. Bedford, B. K. Miller, P. B. O’Mara, T. M. Benedetti, D. L. Huber, W. Zhang, S. C. Smith, J. J. Gooding, W. Schuhmann, R. D. Tilley, <i>Nat. Catal. </i><b>2022</b>, <i>5</i>, 231-237.


nanoscale | nanostructure | transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

Symposium Organizers

Craig Brown, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Michelle Dolgos, University of Calgary
Rie Makiura, Osaka Metropolitan University
Brent Melot, University of Southern California

Symposium Support

Anton Paar
Hiden Analytical Inc

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature