MRS Meetings and Events


QT02.09.03 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Photoemission Studies of Ferroelectric Rashba Semiconductors—From Static to Transient Properties

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
3:30pm - 4:00pm

Sheraton, Fifth Floor, The Fens



Claude Monney1,Frederic Chassot1,Geoffroy Kremer2,Aki Pulkkinen3,Christopher Nicholson4,Hugo Dil5,6,Juraj Krempasky6,Jan Minar3,Gunther Springholz7,Julian Maklar8,Ralph Ernstorfer8,Laurenz Rettig8,Changming Yue1,Philipp Werner1

University of Fribourg1,Université de Lorraine2,University of West Bohemia3,Specs4,EPFL5,Paul Scherrer Institute6,Johannes Kepler Universität7,Fritz-Haber Institute8


Claude Monney1,Frederic Chassot1,Geoffroy Kremer2,Aki Pulkkinen3,Christopher Nicholson4,Hugo Dil5,6,Juraj Krempasky6,Jan Minar3,Gunther Springholz7,Julian Maklar8,Ralph Ernstorfer8,Laurenz Rettig8,Changming Yue1,Philipp Werner1

University of Fribourg1,Université de Lorraine2,University of West Bohemia3,Specs4,EPFL5,Paul Scherrer Institute6,Johannes Kepler Universität7,Fritz-Haber Institute8
Ferroelectric Rashba semiconductor are bulk materials with noncentrosymmetric atomic structures in their ferroelectric phase combined with a significant spin-orbit interaction, leading to a strong coupling between spins, electrons and the underlying lattice. These properties are directly imprinted on their electronic structure through the occurrence of a giant Rashba splitting in their valence band. This gives the possibility of studying their paraelectric-to-ferroelectric phase transition in the momentum space with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). α-GeTe and α-SnTe are two prime examples of such a class of materials. Moreover, it has been recently demonstrated that it is possible to reversibly manipulate the spin polarization in GeTe by an external electric field, a promising behavior for spintronics applications.<br/>A stimulating direction of research is now to investigate how it is possible to modify the ferroelectric properties of these materials with temperature or light pulses.<br/><br/>In this talk, I will start with the case of SnTe and will show high-energy-resolution ARPES data acquired as a function temperature across its ferroelectric phase transition. Our excellent experimental resolution and unprecedented thin film quality allow us to follow the evolution of the Rashba splitting induced by the ferroelectric distortion in the bulk bands and to reveal drastic deviations from a mean-field-like transition. I will discuss how the persistence of a splitting at room temperature supports an order-disorder type of transition and will elaborate on the implications for the topological nature of surface states in SnTe.<br/><br/>In a second part, I will move to the case of GeTe. Upon photoexcitation, we have driven GeTe out-of-equilibrium and probed its transient low-energy electronic structure with time-resolved ARPES. As a consequence, the Rashba splitting of its bulk states is enhanced after 200 fs, a very surprising result, especially given that bulk-sensitive time-resolved experiments have only led to a suppression of ferroelectric upon photoexcitation. In addition, our data show a coherent modulation of the Rashba splitting with a frequency that corresponds to the amplitude mode of the ferroelectric distortion. I will explain what is the physical mechanism behind this unexpected behavior.



Symposium Organizers

Valentina Bisogni, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Amélie Juhin, IMPMC, CNRS-Sorbonne Université
Mingda Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yao Wang,

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature