MRS Meetings and Events


QT11.06.07 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Superconductivity Induced in WB2 by the Formation of Metastable Planar Defects

When and Where

May 10, 2022
5:00pm - 7:00pm

Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 1, Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2 & 3



Ajinkya Hire1,Jinhyuk Lim1,Yundi Quan1,Jung Soo Kim1,Stephen Xie1,Ravhi Kumar2,Dmitry Popov3,Changyong Park3,Russell Hemley2,James Hamlin1,Richard Hennig1,Peter Hirschfeld1,Gregory Stewart1

University of Florida1,University of Illinois at Chicago2,Argonne National Laboratory3


Ajinkya Hire1,Jinhyuk Lim1,Yundi Quan1,Jung Soo Kim1,Stephen Xie1,Ravhi Kumar2,Dmitry Popov3,Changyong Park3,Russell Hemley2,James Hamlin1,Richard Hennig1,Peter Hirschfeld1,Gregory Stewart1

University of Florida1,University of Illinois at Chicago2,Argonne National Laboratory3
The introduction of defects in a material can profoundly affect its mechanical and electronic properties. Defects often cause a deleterious effect on the superconducting properties of a material, decreasing the critical temperature and critical field. In this talk, we present our recent experimental and theoretical investigation on WB2 that starts superconducting above 50GPa, which we believe is due to the introduction of stacking fault and twin boundary defects. Our high-pressure X-ray diffraction data show that the ground state hP12 phase of WB2 persists up to 145GPa. Theoretically calculated Tc of the hP12 phase fails to explain the observed superconducting critical temperature of 17K at 70GPa. Our defect energy calculations show that stacking faults and twin boundaries can plausibly form under pressure in the hP12 phase. The local atomic arrangement of these planar defects resembles the arrangement of atoms in the P6/mmm MgB2. The P6/mmm WB2 show the highest calculated critical temperature among the competing phase of WB2. However, P6/mmm WB2 is thermodynamically stable only at pressures above 130GPa, much higher than the pressures where our sample displays superconducting behavior. The spatial projected density of states (DOS) at the planar defects mirrors the DOS of the bulk P6/mmm WB2 phase. Thus, the formation and percolation of superconducting stacking fault and twin boundary defects at high pressure can explain the observed Tc of WB2.


alloy | defects

Symposium Organizers

Paolo Mele, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Valeria Braccini, CNR - SPIN
Kazumasa Iida, Nagoya Univ
Qiang Li, Stony Brook University/Brookhaven National Laboratory

Symposium Support

SuperOx Japan

SuNAM Co., Ltd.

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature