MRS Meetings and Events


SF08.15.02 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Rocks and Metal—Parallel Solid Phase Plasticity Mechanisms and Non-Equilbrium Microstructures During Intense Shear Deformation

When and Where

May 11, 2022
11:45am - 12:00pm

Hilton, Kalia Conference Center, 2nd Floor, Lehua Suite



Suveen Mathaudhu1,2,Arun Devaraj2

Colorado School of Mines1,Pacific Northwest National Laboratory2


Suveen Mathaudhu1,2,Arun Devaraj2

Colorado School of Mines1,Pacific Northwest National Laboratory2
All around us, things are constantly plastically deforming, whether it be at nanoscale atomic level in metallic alloys to the km-scale during geological flow in the lithosphere. We will present cross-cutting theories on the nature of intense pressure and shear-driven structural evolution in metals and geological materials. Novel solid-phase material deformation methods and in-situ beamline studies will reveal metallic deformation pathways that will be directly compared to the current earth science literature on ductile deformation and far-from-equilibrium microstructural evolution in rocks. The finding forecast the ability to use laboratory-scale tools and simulant materials to extend our understanding of how the world has moved underneath us and how it may deform in other parts of the universe.


defects | geologic | metal

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