MRS Meetings and Events


SF12.11.06 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Non-destructive Hardness Prediction via Deep Learning Image Regression Models

When and Where

May 25, 2022
2:00pm - 2:05pm




Andrew Lew1,Pupa Gilbert2,Markus Buehler1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1,University of Wisconsin–Madison2


Andrew Lew1,Pupa Gilbert2,Markus Buehler1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology1,University of Wisconsin–Madison2
Over generations of evolution, nature has developed incredibly complex material structures fit to their environments. Using these time-tested designs as a base, human-engineered bioinspired structures are a promising avenue for pushing the boundary of possible materials configurations. However, how to best navigate the diversity of bioinspired structures to attain desired properties of interest remains an open question. Here we focus on one of the hardest biological tissues found in animals, tooth enamel, to examine the relationship between structure and property. While the typical indentation methods of measuring material hardness are time consuming and destructive to the sample, we propose artificial intelligence models will allow us to predict mechanical properties directly. We train an image regression neural network on known hardness indentation data as a non-destructive surrogate model that can predict the hardness of pristine structures much quicker than experiment. Subsequent visualization tools such as gradient ascent and saliency maps allow us to identify which regions of structure contribute the most to their hardness. In doing so, this approach not only demonstrates a method for improved material characterization, but also assists in understanding the connection between structure and property for engineering design problems.


hardness | microstructure

Symposium Organizers

Symposium Support

National Science Foundation

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MRS publishes with Springer Nature