MRS Meetings and Events


QT07.04.04 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Active Space Wavefunction Methods for Defects in Solids

When and Where

May 10, 2022
5:00pm - 7:00pm

Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 1, Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2 & 3



John Philbin1,Kade Head-Marsden1,Christopher Ciccarino1,Lukas Muechler2,Prineha Narang1

Harvard University1,Penn State University2


John Philbin1,Kade Head-Marsden1,Christopher Ciccarino1,Lukas Muechler2,Prineha Narang1

Harvard University1,Penn State University2
Quantum embedding theories offer a means to combine multiple levels of electronic structure theory in order to predict accurate electronic properties of correlated materials. These methods can correct errors in low-level theories, such as the delocalization error in density functional theory or the lack of electron correlation in Hartree-Fock theory. In this work, we develop a purely wavefunction based approach to quantum embedding in order to compute correlated electronic states of systems with weak to strong correlations within spatially localized embedded fragments. Furthermore, we benchmark various active space wavefunction methods (CASSCF, CCSD, etc.) for quantum defects in solids.


defects | optical properties

Symposium Organizers

Andre Schleife, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chitraleema Chakraborty, University of Delaware
Jeffrey McCallum, University of Melbourne
Bruno Schuler, Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature