MRS Meetings and Events


SB03.09.05 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

3D Integrated Neuromorphic Humanoid Hand by Multi-Axis Robot 3D Printing

When and Where

May 25, 2022
9:00am - 9:15am




Woo Soo Kim1,Chao Bao1

Simon Fraser University1


Woo Soo Kim1,Chao Bao1

Simon Fraser University1
Biological nervous systems are spotlighted recently to be mimicked as a neuromorphic system for the detection of environmental stimuli such as touch, force, temperature, light, sound, taste, or smell, etc. To fully mimic biological performance, bio-inspired neuromorphic systems have beenreported. However, few neuromorphic systems have been demonstrated with functions close to the actual biological nervous system.<br/>We present here a neuromorphic system integrated with a 3D printed humanoid hand for the demonstration of artificial unconscious stimulus response. For the realization of 3D conductive printing on the curved humanoid hands, multi-axis robot 3D printing technology was developed for the fabrication. Then, the fabricated portable neuromorphic device and 3D printed tactile sensor were integrated with the 3D structural humanoid hand as a neuromorphic humanoid hand. Three combined performance as bio-inspired detection of evironmental stimuli, signal conversion/ transmission, and signal procession were demonstrated through such a neuromorphic humanoid system. Bio-inspired signal perception and biomimetic reflex arc function for a quick and unconscious response were also demonstrated to hold an unknown object with an automatically increased gripping force. The proposed neuromorphic system explores a new method to realize unconscious response-ability for the next generation of artificially intelligent robot hands.

Symposium Organizers

Symposium Support

Army Research Office
Carbon, Inc.
Nano-C, Inc
Reality Labs Research

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature