MRS Meetings and Events


SF08.01.01 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

New Regimes of High Energy Density Materials Science*

When and Where

May 9, 2022
10:30am - 11:00am

Hilton, Kalia Conference Center, 2nd Floor, Lehua Suite



Bruce Remington1

Lawrence Livermore Nat Lab1


Bruce Remington1

Lawrence Livermore Nat Lab1
The field of high energy density (HED) materials science refers to regimes involving energy densities greater than ~10<sup>12</sup> erg/cm<sup>3</sup>or pressures greater then ~1 Mbar. Such conditions can be found in planetary and exoplanet interiors [Nellis 1995, Seager 2007, Stewart 2012, Kraus 2015, Havel 2011, Valencia 2006]; planetary formation dynamics [Dahl 2010] and asteroid impact dynamics, [Korycansky 2000]; brown dwarf interiors [Burrows 2001]; and white dwarf envelopes. [Fontaine 2008; Dufour 2008] For example, the pressures inside of Jupiter can reach ~70 Mbar at the core. [Guillot 1999; Militzer 2016] Predictions suggest Super-Earth exoplanet core pressures can reach up to ~40 Mbar [Duffy 2019] and brown dwarf interior pressures can exceed ~1 Gbar [Burrows 2001]. These conditions can be accessed and explored experimentally on high energy, pulsed laser facilities. [Remington 2015]<br/> <br/>In this talk, a selection of experiments done on the NIF, Omega, and Omega EP lasers, on a variety of materials ranging from deuterium to lead, will be presented. Examples include high pressure equations of state (EOS) measurements using VISAR diagnostics; [Smith 2018; Celliers 2018, Fratanduono 2020] and time resolved x-ray diffraction to determine the lattice structure at high pressures. [Lazicki 2021, Rygg 2019] X-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) has been used to characterize the ionization state, density, and temperature in high energy density (HED) plasma experiments. [Kraus 2016]. Radiography has been used to characterize the plasma conditions on the Hugoniot at pressures from 25 – 800 Mbar; [Döppner 2018, Kritcher 2020] and strength Rayleigh-Taylor instability experiments have been done in the solid state, plastic flow regime at high pressures and strain rates. [Krygier 2019, Park 2021] Water experiments at 1-4 Mbar have been done, and observed the superionic phase whereby the oxygen freezes into a crystalline fcc lattice, whereas the H remains itinerant. [Millot 2019] And finally, EXAFS experiments for measuring sample temperature at high pressure have been done on Omega, [Ping 2013] and are under development on NIF. [Coppari 2021]<br/> <br/><b>References:</b><br/> <br/>[Burrows 2001] Adam Burrows, Review of Modern Physics (2001).<br/>[Celliers 2018] Celliers, Peter M., Science 361, 677-682 (2018).<br/>[Coppari 2021] F. Coppari, in preparation (2021).<br/>[Dahl 2010] T.W. Dahl, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 295, 177–186 (2010).<br/>[Döppner 2018] T. Döppner, PRL 121, 025001 (2018).<br/>[Duffy 2019] Thomas S. Duffy, Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 23 (2019).<br/>[Dufour 2008] P. Dufour, Ap.J. 683, 978 (2008); ibid., Nature 450, 22 (2007).<br/>[Fontaine 2008] G. Fontaine, Ap.J. 193, 205 (1974).<br/>[Fratanduono 2020] D.E. Fratanduono, PRL 124, 015701 (2020).<br/>[Guillot 1999] T. Guillot, Science 286, 72 (1999).<br/>[Havel 2011] M. Havel, Astron. Astrophys. 531, A3 (2011).<br/>[Korycansky 2000] D.G. Korycansky, Icarus 146, 387 (2000).<br/>[Kraus 2016] D. Kraus PRE 94, 011202(R) (2016). <br/>[Kraus 2015] R.G. Kraus, Nature Geoscience 8, 269 (2015).<br/>[Kritcher 2020] A. L. Kritcher, Nature 584, 51 (2020); ibid., HEDP 10, 27 (2014).<br/>[Krygier 2019] A. Krygier, PRL 123, 205701 (2019).<br/>[Lazicki 2021] A. Lazicki, Nature 589, 532 (2021).<br/>[Militzer 2016] B. Militzer, JGR 121, 1552 (2016).<br/>[Millot 2019] M. Millot, Nature 569, 251 (2019); ibid., Nature Physics 14, 297 (2018)<br/>[Nellis 1995] W.J. Nellis, Science 269, 1249 (1995). <br/>[Park 2021] H.-S. Park, PoP 28, 060901 (2021).<br/>[Ping 2013] Y. Ping, PRL 111, 065501 (2013).<br/>[Remington 2015] B.A. Remington, PoP 22, 090501 (2015); ibid., PNAS, 116, 18233 (2019).<br/>[Rygg 2019] J. R. Rygg, RSI 91, 043902 (2020).<br/>[Seager 2007] S. Seager, Ap.J. 669, 1279 (2007).<br/>[Smith 2018] R.F. Smith, Nature Astronomy 2, 452 (2018); ibid., Nature 511, 330 (2014).<br/>[Stewart 2012] S.T. Stewart, Ap.J. 751, 32 (2012).<br/>[Valencia 2006] D. Valencia, Icarus 181, 545 (2006); ibid., Astron. Astrophys. 516, A20 (2010).<br/> <br/>*This work was performed under the auspices of U.S. DOE by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.


C | Cu | x-ray diffraction (XRD)

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