MRS Meetings and Events


SF06.16.03 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Rapid Characterization of Cyclic Response of Small-Volume Metal Samples Using Spherical Microindentation Stress-Strain

When and Where

May 12, 2022
2:45pm - 3:00pm

Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 3, 313A



Camilla Johnson1,Soumya Mohan1,Reji John2,Surya Kalidindi1

Georgia Institute of Technology1,Air Force Research Laboratory2


Camilla Johnson1,Soumya Mohan1,Reji John2,Surya Kalidindi1

Georgia Institute of Technology1,Air Force Research Laboratory2
The cyclic stress-strain response of a material provides insight into fatigue properties that may limit the performance of fracture-critical rotating components in gas turbine engines. Historically, conventional cyclic / fatigue is a costly property to assess because of the volume of material required for test coupons and also the time to run each test. Therefore, a critical need exists for the development of novel experimental approaches that can rapidly evaluate the relative changes in cyclic response as a function of alloy chemistry and thermo-mechanical processing history. This becomes especially critical in the materials development efforts, which require systematic exploration of a large materials space. In this work, we present a novel approach using spherical microindentation to deduce stress-strain responses and a cyclic stress-strain curve for Ti-6Al-4V. The results show promise for obtaining reliable, high-throughput, quantitative assessments of the cyclic response.


fatigue | metal

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