MRS Meetings and Events


EQ03.09.03 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

M-Point Lasing in Plasmonic Honeycomb Lattices

When and Where

Nov 29, 2022
8:45am - 9:00am

Sheraton, 2nd Floor, Back Bay C



Xitlali Juarez1,Ran Li1,Jun Guan1,Thaddeus Reese1,Richard Schaller1,2,Teri Odom1

Northwestern University1,Argonne National Laboratory2


Xitlali Juarez1,Ran Li1,Jun Guan1,Thaddeus Reese1,Richard Schaller1,2,Teri Odom1

Northwestern University1,Argonne National Laboratory2
Honeycomb lattices can be defined as hexagonal lattices with a two-nanoparticle (NP) unit cell or considered as a superposition of two identical, but inequivalent hexagonal sublattices. Due to their non-Bravais nature, honeycomb NP lattices exhibit unique optical properties. For instance, honeycomb lattices have received attention for their ability to host topological edge states at the Γ and K points of photonic crystals. When the unit cell is redefined to consist of six NPs, edge states can be accessed at the Γ point of the lattice by deforming the unit cell while preserving its C<sub>6v</sub> symmetry. If a honeycomb lattice is designed with a unit cell consisting of two NPs with inequivalent radii, the mirror and inversion symmetry of the lattice is broken, allowing edge states to emerge at the K points of photonic crystals. To assess the prospects of experimentally realizing topological states in plasmonic honeycomb NP lattices, a deeper understanding of their off-normal, high symmetry points is necessary. This presentation discusses the observation of band-edge states at the M point of Ag NP honeycomb lattices. Honeycomb lattices support the emergence of two surface lattice resonances (SLRs) at the M point: (1) a blue-shifted SLR<sub>M1</sub> due to coupling of two distinct out-of-plane dipole resonances; and (2) a red-shifted SLR<sub>M2</sub> resulting from in-plane dipole-dipole coupling. Although honeycomb lattices support two M-point SLR modes, only one mode supported lasing when organic dye solution was used as gain with the Ag NP lattices. This study demonstrates the unique coupling interactions at high symmetry points of non-Bravais plasmonic lattices.<sup>1</sup><br/>1. Juarez, X. G.; Li, R.; Guan, J.; Reese, T.; Schaller, R. D.; Odom, T. W., M-Point Lasing in Hexagonal and Honeycomb Plasmonic Lattices. <i>ACS Photonics </i><b>2022,</b> <i>9</i> (1), 52-58.


optical properties

Symposium Organizers

Yu-Jung Lu, Academia Sinica
Artur Davoyan, University of California, Los Angeles
Ho Wai Howard Lee, University of California, Irvine
David Norris, ETH Zürich

Symposium Support

Enli Technology Co., Ltd.

ACS Photonics
De Gruyter
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature