MRS Meetings and Events


CH01.05.08 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Atomic-Resolution Electron Microscopy of Catalyst Dynamics

When and Where

Nov 30, 2022
10:15am - 10:45am

Hynes, Level 1, Room 102



Stig Helveg6,Fu-Rong Chen1,Dirk Van Dyck2,Christian Kisielowski3,Lars Hansen4,Martin Ek Rosén5,Christian Damsgaard6,Joerg Jinschek6

Hong Kong City University1,University of Antwerp2,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory3,Topsoe A/S4,Lund University5,Technical University of Denmark6


Stig Helveg6,Fu-Rong Chen1,Dirk Van Dyck2,Christian Kisielowski3,Lars Hansen4,Martin Ek Rosén5,Christian Damsgaard6,Joerg Jinschek6

Hong Kong City University1,University of Antwerp2,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory3,Topsoe A/S4,Lund University5,Technical University of Denmark6
Electron microscopy has become a powerful tool in catalysis science. Advances in electron optics and detection have enabled visualizations of catalytic nanomaterials with three-dimensional atomic-resolution and, the advent of gas and liquid cells has enabled <i>in situ</i> observations of catalysts immersed in chemical reaction environments as well as <i>operando</i> studies through concurrent measurements of catalytic functionality [1]. These developments open up for unprecedented new insights into the labile behavior of catalysts and provide mechanistic and kinetic information on atomic processes unfolding during catalysis. However, the atomic-resolution electron microscopy observations are often intricately modulated by dynamic processes induced by the electron beam, which are difficult to predict but imperative to characterize, quantify and suppress [2]. In this contribution, we outline progress in electron microscopy that advances the chemical relevance of atomic-scale visualizations and present electron microscopy research that aims discerning inherent and induced atom-dynamic processes in catalytic nanomaterials [3-5].<br/>[1] S. Helveg, J. Catal. 328, 102 (2015). [2] S. Helveg, C. Kisielowski, J.R. Jinschek, P. Specht, G. Yuan, H. Frei, Micron 68, 176 (2014). [3] M. Ek, Q.M. Ramasse, L. Arnarson, P.G. Moses, S. Helveg, Nat. Commun. 8, 305 (2017). [4] M. Ek, L. Arnarson, P.G. Moses, S.B. Rasmussen, M. Skoglundh, E. Olsson, S. Helveg, Nanoscale 13, 7266 (2021). [5] F.-R. Chen, D. Van Dyck, C. Kisielowski, L.P. Hansen, B. Barton, S. Helveg, Nat. Commun. 12, 5007 (2021).


surface reaction | transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

Symposium Organizers

Dongsheng Li, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Qian Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yu Han, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Barnaby Levin, Direct Electron LP

Symposium Support

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature