MRS Meetings and Events


CH02.07.07 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Direct Observation of All Atomic Sites in Zeolite by a Novel Low-Dose STEM Technique—Optimum Bright-Field Imaging

When and Where

Nov 30, 2022
10:15am - 10:30am

Hynes, Level 1, Room 101



Kousuke Ooe1,2,Takehito Seki2,3,Kaname Yoshida1,Yuji Kohno4,Yuichi Ikuhara1,2,Naoya Shibata1,2

Japan Fine Ceramics Center1,The University of Tokyo2,JST PRESTO3,JEOL Ltd.4


Kousuke Ooe1,2,Takehito Seki2,3,Kaname Yoshida1,Yuji Kohno4,Yuichi Ikuhara1,2,Naoya Shibata1,2

Japan Fine Ceramics Center1,The University of Tokyo2,JST PRESTO3,JEOL Ltd.4
Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) enables us to directly observe atomic structures inside materials, which is powerful in unveiling their structure-property relationships. However, one of the most challenging problems in recent years of (S)TEM research is the atomic-resolution imaging of beam-sensitive materials, which have a low resistance to electron irradiation, such as battery materials, porous materials, and organic materials. The conventional STEM techniques such as annular dark-field and annular bright-field (ABF) imaging modes can robustly visualize atomic structures of electron-resistant materials using single annular detectors. For the beam-sensitive materials, however, there is room to improve the dose efficiency to minimize the irradiation damage because these imaging techniques use only a fraction of transmitted electrons for imaging. Recently, a high-speed segmented detector has been developed, which can record almost all the transmitted electrons by multiple detection channels [1]. Herein, we developed optimum bright-field (OBF) STEM using a segmented detector as a more dose-efficient imaging technique [2]. In the OBF method, a STEM image with the highest signal-to-noise ratio for a given detector is reconstructed via Fourier filters designed based on the phase contrast transfer function and the noise-evaluation theory [3]. OBF STEM has approximately two orders of magnitude higher dose efficiency than ABF STEM, and thus, OBF is promising for low-dose observation. Furthermore, by approximating this filtering process, OBF images can be reconstructed in real-time and displayed in sync with the probe scans as well as the conventional STEM imaging. The real-time display function enables operators to tune aberrations and field-of-view even under the low-dose condition. In this research, we applied the OBF STEM technique to the atomic-resolution imaging of zeolites, which are well-known beam-sensitive materials. The low-dose OBF observation successfully visualized all atomic sites, including even oxygen sites, inside the zeolitic framework. Furthermore, we also observed the twin defects in a zeolite and determined its atomic structure directly in combination with the first-principles calculations.<br/><br/>[1] N. Shibata et al., Journal of Electron Microscopy <b>59</b> (2010) 473-479.<br/>[2] K. Ooe et al., Ultramicroscopy <b>220 </b>(2021) 113133.<br/>[3] T. Seki et al., Ultramicroscopy <b>193 </b>(2018) 118-125.<br/>[4] The authors acknowledge funding from JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Number JP20H05659).


scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)

Symposium Organizers

Robert Klie, University of Illinois at Chicago
Miaofang Chi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ryo Ishikawa, The University of Tokyo
Quentin Ramasse, SuperSTEM Laboratory

Symposium Support

Protochips Inc
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature