MRS Meetings and Events


MT01.06.04 2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning Models of Materials Properties

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
3:30pm - 4:00pm

Room 320, Level 3, Summit



Dane Morgan1,Ryan Jacobs1,Lane Schultz1,Vidit Agrawal1,Shixin Zhang1,Glenn Palmer2,Ben Blaiszik3,Aristana Courtas3,KJ Schmidt3

University of Wisconsin--Madison1,Duke University2,The University of Chicago3


Dane Morgan1,Ryan Jacobs1,Lane Schultz1,Vidit Agrawal1,Shixin Zhang1,Glenn Palmer2,Ben Blaiszik3,Aristana Courtas3,KJ Schmidt3

University of Wisconsin--Madison1,Duke University2,The University of Chicago3
Machine learning models are being increasingly used to predict an enormous range of materials properties. Such models are typically trained on computed and/or experimental data that has strong biases in terms of the sampled systems, potentially leading to models with limited accuracy and very specific domains. It is therefore of increasing importance to establish effective practices for uncertainty quantification of machine learning models used for materials properties. In this talk we share an approach that divides uncertainty quantification into separate challenges of error and domain determination, which together provide a strong framework for practical uncertainty quantification. This approach leads to uncertainty quantification that can guide users whether prediction on any given test data point is likely to be appropriate, and if it is appropriate, what accuracy might be expected. For determining errors, we demonstrate that, when properly calibrated, ensembles of models fit to bootstrap sampling of training data can provide robust and easily accessible estimates of test data point residuals[1]. For determining domain, we demonstrate that a kernel density estimate of training data density in feature space can be used to identify regions of feature space with inadequate sampling and therefore likely to be out of domain. Assessing any domain determination strategy is difficult as there is no unique ground truth for a test data point being in or out of domain. To manage this problem we propose a set of criteria for ground truth based on matching chemical intuition and expected large residuals and residual estimation errors with being out of domain. We show that a kernel density approach can generally categorize new test data points as in/out of domain with good accuracy (e.g., max F1 scores of about 80% or better) when using any of these criteria. Finally, we discuss how these methods can be trivially integrated into model fits through the MAST-ML[2] package and how such uncertainty aware models can be easily hosted in the cloud through the Foundry[3] service.<br/><br/>(1) Palmer, G.; Du, S. Q.; Politowicz, A.; Emory, J. P.; Yang, X. Y.; Gautam, A.; Gupta, G.; Li, Z. L.; Jacobs, R.; Morgan, D. Calibration after bootstrap for accurate uncertainty quantification in regression models. npj Comput. Mater. 2022, 8 (1), 9, Article. DOI: 10.1038/s41524-022-00794-8.<br/>(2) Jacobs, R.; Mayeshiba, T.; Afflerbach, B.; Miles, L.; Williams, M.; Turner, M.; Finkel, R.; Morgan, D. The Materials Simulation Toolkit for Machine learning (MAST-ML): An automated open source toolkit to accelerate data-driven materials research. Comput. Mater. Sci. 2020, 176, 13, Article. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109544.<br/>(3) Blaiszik, B.; Schmidt, K.; Scourtas, A. Foundry-ML. 2023. (accessed 2023).

Symposium Organizers

Raymundo Arroyave, Texas A&M Univ
Elif Ertekin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rodrigo Freitas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Aditi Krishnapriyan, UC Berkeley

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature