MRS Meetings and Events


QT04.05.05 2024 MRS Spring Meeting

Enhancement of Superconductivity by Isoelectronic Defects in The Fermi-Hubbard Ladder

When and Where

Apr 24, 2024
4:30pm - 4:45pm

Room 445, Level 4, Summit



Juan Mendoza-Arenas3,Fabio Pablo Mendez-Cordoba1,2,Paula Giraldo-Gallo1

Universidad de los Andes1,Universität Hamburg2,University of Pittsburgh3


Juan Mendoza-Arenas3,Fabio Pablo Mendez-Cordoba1,2,Paula Giraldo-Gallo1

Universidad de los Andes1,Universität Hamburg2,University of Pittsburgh3
In this work we show that superconductivity across a two-leg Fermi-Hubbard ladder can be enhanced by introducing changes of the hopping parameter at specific locations in each leg. Using density matrix renormalization group calculations, we obtain the ground state of the model with repulsive on-site interactions, open boundary conditions and below half filling. We find that modifying the hopping at the position of extremal values of the density Friedel oscillations can strongly increase the value of the superconducting correlations and Luttinger parameter, compared to the homogeneous case. We discuss the mechanism underlying this finding, and experimental platforms where it can be implemented. Our results provide a possible pathway to enhance the superconducting dome by disrupting the lattice structure without changing the number of charge carriers.

Symposium Organizers

Liangzi Deng, University of Houston
Qiang Li, Stony Brook University/Brookhaven National Laboratory
Toshinori Ozaki, Kwansei Gakun University
Ruidan Zhong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Symposium Support

Faraday Factory Japan LLC

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature