MRS Meetings and Events


SB01.03.08 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Tailoring the Growth of Living Materials Towards Sustainable Manufacturing

When and Where

Apr 13, 2023
9:45am - 10:00am

Moscone West, Level 2, Room 2012



Suitu Wang1,Manivannan Sivaperuman Kalairaj1,Mustafa Abdelrahman1,Taylor Ware1

Texas A&M University1


Suitu Wang1,Manivannan Sivaperuman Kalairaj1,Mustafa Abdelrahman1,Taylor Ware1

Texas A&M University1
Traditional manufacturing of polymer composites relies on valuable precursors derived from fossil fuels and energy-intensive processes. Innovation in polymer composites manufacturing strategies should focus on resource recyclability and low carbon footprint procedures. Here, a new paradigm of polymer composite manufacturing valorizing local wastes and using biological growth of living materials to dictate the final product form has been proposed. Living materials comprised of living <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> (baker’s yeast) within a hydrogel matrix cultured in media derived from bread waste can achieve volume and mass increase through in-situ cell proliferation. The final object shape can be tailored through controlled growth of living materials. For example, by digitally programming the cell viability through UV irradiation or photodynamic inactivation, growth-induced shape control can be achieved. This growth-dictated manufacturing process can be powered by wasted chemical energy present in substances such as food waste, which stands in stark contrast to the energy-intensive processes used for synthetic material manufacturing. After growth, the final material is up to 96 wt% biomass and 590% larger in volume than the initial object. Subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis and regeneration of yeast cell walls within the grown structures enable shape reconfiguration. The proposed biomanufacturing strategy utilizing the growth of living materials with food waste may pave the way for future ecologically friendly manufacturing of materials.



Symposium Organizers

Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam, TU Delft
Maneesh Gupta, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Srikanth Singamaneni, Washington University
Taylor Ware, Texas A&M University

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature