MRS Meetings and Events


MD02.02.05 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Towards High-Throughput, Small-Scale Fracture Investigations via Machine Learning

When and Where

Apr 11, 2023
3:30pm - 4:00pm

Marriott Marquis, Second Level, Foothill G1/G2



Christos Athanasiou1

Georgia Institute of Technology1


Christos Athanasiou1

Georgia Institute of Technology1
Investigating mechanical properties at small scales is a challenging endeavor. It requires sophisticated micro-/nano-scale experimental methods combined with laborious/time-intensive finite element computations. In this talk, a new framework for materials characterization at small scales using the latest developments in machine learning will be presented. This framework involves multi-fidelity deep learning and active learning methods limiting the need for finite element simulations. Its application for predicting the fracture toughness of microscale pentagonal cross-sectional ceramic cantilevers as well as micropillars will be showcased, demonstrating that it can significantly accelerate fracture toughness characterizations at small scales.

Symposium Organizers

Soumendu Bagchi, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Huck Beng Chew, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Haoran Wang, Utah State University
Jiaxin Zhang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Symposium Support

Patterns and Matter, Cell Press

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature