MRS Meetings and Events


EL12.03.03 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Defining Qubit Properties in High-Valent Actinide Complexes

When and Where

Apr 11, 2023
5:00pm - 7:00pm

Moscone West, Level 1, Exhibit Hall



Megan Hoover1,Stephanie Gamble1,Lindsay Roy1

Savannah River National Laboratory1


Megan Hoover1,Stephanie Gamble1,Lindsay Roy1

Savannah River National Laboratory1
Quantum computing is a rapidly emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize computations unattainable with classical computers, and <i>f</i>-element systems have shown exceptional promise in quantum information processing. While progressing through the actinide series, the relativistic effects change the energetics of the 5<i>f</i> and 6<i>d</i> orbitals wherein control of a quantum bit (qubit) could be possible. For example, protactinium contains interesting characteristics and adopts the behavior of transition metals because of its near degeneracy of the 6<i>d</i> and 5<i>f</i> orbitals. This presentation outlines the potential for high-valent 5<i>f</i><sup>1</sup> early actinide complexes to act as qubits by evaluating the atomic properties, including spin-orbit coupling, crystal electric field, and nuclear spin. This research is set to establish basic understanding of the interplay between the <i>d</i> and <i>f</i> orbitals thereby generating a set of features to enhance quantum coherence in actinide complexes.


actinide | quantum materials | qubit

Symposium Organizers

Luis Campos, Columbia University
Pascal Gehring, University Catholic Louvain
Maiken Mikkelsen, Duke University
Farnaz Niroui, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Symposium Support

Raith America, Inc.
Royal Society of Chemistry

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature