MRS Meetings and Events


SF03.02.04 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Superdiffusive Thermal Transport in Si0.4Ge0.6 Thin Films

When and Where

Apr 10, 2023
11:00am - 11:15am

Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3009



Dongyan Xu1,Fengju Yao1,Deyu Li2,Hong Lu3

The Chinese University of Hong Kong1,Vanderbilt University2,Nanjing University3


Dongyan Xu1,Fengju Yao1,Deyu Li2,Hong Lu3

The Chinese University of Hong Kong1,Vanderbilt University2,Nanjing University3
Superdiffusive thermal transport represents a unique phenomenon in heat conduction, which is characterized by a size (<i>L</i>) dependence of thermal conductivity (<i>κ</i>) in the form of <i>κ</i> ~ <i>L</i><sup>β</sup> with a constant β between 0 and 1. Although superdiffusive thermal transport has been theoretically predicted for SiGe alloys, direct experimental evidence is still lacking. Recently, we conducted a systematic experimental study of the thickness-dependent thermal conductivity of Si<sub>0.4</sub>Ge<sub>0.6</sub> thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The cross-plane thermal conductivity of Si<sub>0.4</sub>Ge<sub>0.6</sub> thin films spanning a thickness range from 20 to 1120 nm was measured in the temperature range of 120-320 K <i>via</i> a differential three-omega method. Results show that the thermal conductivity follows a consistent <i>κ</i> ~ <i>t</i><sup>0.26</sup> power law with the film thickness (<i>t</i>) at different temperatures, providing direct experimental evidence that alloy-scattering dominated thermal transport in SiGe is superdiffusive.


thermal conductivity

Symposium Organizers

Yongjie Hu, University of California, Los Angeles
Lucas Lindsay, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Amy Marconnet, Purdue University
Ivana Savic, Tyndall National Institute

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature