MRS Meetings and Events


QT02.05.03 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Beyond Perturbation Theory: Multi-Photon and Non-Radiative Recombination Effects in Spectroscopies

When and Where

Nov 28, 2023
8:45am - 9:15am

Sheraton, Fifth Floor, The Fens



Adrian Feiguin1

Northeastern University1


Adrian Feiguin1

Northeastern University1
The conventional calculation of scattering cross sections relies on a treatment based on time-dependent perturbation theory that provides formulation in terms of Green’s functions in the frequency domain. In equilibrium, it boils down to evaluating a simple spectral function equivalent to Fermi’s golden rule, which can be solved efficiently by a number of numerical methods. However, away from equilibrium, the resulting expressions require a full knowledge of the excitation spectrum and eigenvectors to account for all the possible allowed transitions and intermediate states, a seemingly unsurmountable complication. We have recently presented a new paradigm to overcome these hurdles[1-4]: we explicitly introduce the scattering particles (neutron, electron, photon, positron) and simulate the full scattering event by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The spectrum is recovered by measuring the momentum and energy lost by the scattered particles, akin an actual energy-loss experiment. I here show how these ideas can be generalized to study multi-photon processes such as coincidence ARPES, and the interplay between radiative and non-radiative recombination channels in X-ray spectroscopies.<br/><br/>[1] Krissia Zawadzki, Luhang Yang, Adrian E. Feiguin; Phys. Rev. B <b>102</b>, 235141 (2020).<br/>[2] Krissia Zawadzki, Adrian E. Feiguin; Phys. Rev. B <b>100</b>, 195124 (2019).<br/>[3] Krissia Zawadski, Alberto Nocera, and Adrian E. Feiguin; arXiv: 1905.08166<br/>[4] Alberto Nocera, Adrian E. Feiguin; arXiv:2304.15001


optical properties | photoemission

Symposium Organizers

Valentina Bisogni, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Amélie Juhin, IMPMC, CNRS-Sorbonne Université
Mingda Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yao Wang,

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature