MRS Meetings and Events


EQ08.04.09 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Development of a High-Throughput Workflow for the Synthesis of CdSe Nanocrystals Using a Sonochemical Materials Acceleration Platform

When and Where

May 9, 2022
5:00pm - 7:00pm

Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 1, Kamehameha Exhibit Hall 2 & 3



Maria Politi1,Edwin Antonio1,Fabio Baum1,Joshua Vasquez1,Brittany Bishop1,Vincent Holmberg1,Nadya Peek1,Lilo Pozzo1

University of Washington1


Maria Politi1,Edwin Antonio1,Fabio Baum1,Joshua Vasquez1,Brittany Bishop1,Vincent Holmberg1,Nadya Peek1,Lilo Pozzo1

University of Washington1
Semi-automated and fully automated platforms, in combination with data-science principles and artificial intelligence, have become an emerging paradigm for accelerated materials discovery[1]. The combination of high-throughput experimentation and minimal human interactions with the system have allowed faster material synthesis, characterization, and analysis. However, many initiatives of materials acceleration platforms (MAPs) are still too costly to be implemented. In this context, open hardware principles (i. e. distribution of design files, schematics, drawings and source codes for hardware projects) have made the use of laboratory automation more accessible and more easily implemented for a variety of applications. Here we present the use of a repurposed open-hardware and software 3D printing platform, Jubilee (, as a plate handling lab automation device for sonochemical applications. The system, called sonication station, is an open-source flexible automation platform with a sonication horn attachment which allows for an array of automated experiments through the easy modification of several sonication parameters. Building upon the sonochemical synthesis of quantum dots and magic-sized clusters (MSCs) [2], a fully automated protocol was developed to demonstrate the synthesis of CdSe nanocrystals using sonochemistry and different combinations of sample conditions, including precursor ratio and ligand composition. The sonication station was used in combination with a liquid handling robot OT2 (Opentrons) for the sample preparation, to further automate the workflow for nanocrystal synthesis. The system allows to investigate and process upwards of 96 different samples, with a total sample volume of as little as 0.5 mL. The proposed workflow uses low-budget systems (&lt; $10k for both robotic platforms) and the reduced volume allows for a more cost-efficient experimentation, increasing the accessibility of this MAP. Thanks to the high-throughput capabilities of the automated sonication platform, the ease in scalability of the system, and the modularity of the protocol, the overall workflow is adaptable to a variety of studies, including other nanocrystals design spaces, emulsions and re-dispersions.<br/><br/><br/>[1] “Materials Acceleration Platforms: On the way to autonomous experimentation”. Flores-Leonar, M. M., Mejía-Mendoza, L. M., Aguilar-Granda, A., Sanchez-Lengeling, B., Tribukait, H., Amador-Bedolla, C., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. , Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 25, 100370 (2020)<br/><br/>[2] “On-Demand Sonochemical Synthesis of Ultrasmall and Magic-Size CdSe Quantum Dots in Single-Phase and Emulsion Systems”, R Kastilani, B. Bishop, V. Holmberg, LD Pozzo, Langmuir, 35 (50), 16583 (2019)


autonomous research | quantum materials

Symposium Organizers

Byungha Shin, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Robert Hoye, Imperial College London
Shinae Jun, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Laura Schelhas, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature