MRS Meetings and Events


NM02.06.03 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Creating a Nanoscale Lateral Heterojunction in a TMD Monolayer by Engineering the Electrostatic Landscape

When and Where

May 11, 2022
9:00am - 9:15am

Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 3, 303B



Madisen Holbrook1,2,Yuxuan Chen2,Hyounsue Kim2,Lisa Frammonlino2,Mengke Liu2,Chi-Ruei Pan3,Mei-Yin Chou3,Chengdong Zhang4,Chih-Kang Shih2

Columbia University1,The University of Texas at Austin2,Academia Sinica3,Wuhan University of Technology4


Madisen Holbrook1,2,Yuxuan Chen2,Hyounsue Kim2,Lisa Frammonlino2,Mengke Liu2,Chi-Ruei Pan3,Mei-Yin Chou3,Chengdong Zhang4,Chih-Kang Shih2

Columbia University1,The University of Texas at Austin2,Academia Sinica3,Wuhan University of Technology4
As technology has advanced, the rush to miniaturization has led to the ultimate limit of<br/>atomically thin, two dimensional (2D) materials. Within this family of materials, the emergence<br/>of atomically thin semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) has provided<br/>exciting possibilities for advanced 2D electronics, including devices comprised of a single<br/>atomic layer. However, future technology based on TMDs hinges on the capability of creating<br/>nanoscale lateral junctions with large built-in potentials. Following the paradigm of three-<br/>dimensional counterparts, lateral heterojunctions have been directly synthesized by stitching two<br/>different TMD monolayers together, but this approach considerably constrains the attainable<br/>band offsets. However, the extreme 2D nature of TMDs provides other opportunities to<br/>manipulate their electronic properties, as their quasiparticle band gap is not static and depends<br/>strongly on the proximal environment. Recent studies have shown this effect can be harnessed to<br/>engineer a lateral heterojunction in monolayer TMDs by controlling the proximal environment<br/>through substrates, capping layers, and adsorbates. 1, 2, 3, 4 Here we demonstrate the creation of a<br/>nanoscale lateral heterojunction in monolayer MoSe 2 by intercalating Se at the interface of a<br/>hBN/Ru(0001) substrate. The Se intercalation modulates the local hBN/Ru work function, and<br/>this sudden change in the local electrostatic environment is imprinted directly onto monolayer<br/>MoSe 2 to create a large built-in potential of ~0.8 eV. We spatially resolve the MoSe 2 band profile<br/>and work function using scanning tunneling spectroscopy to map out the nanoscale depletion<br/>region. The Se intercalation also modifies the dielectric environment, influencing the local band<br/>gap renormalization and increasing the MoSe 2 band gap by ~0.23 eV. This work illustrates that<br/>environmental proximity engineering provides a robust method to indirectly manipulate the band<br/>profile of 2D materials outsidethe limits of their intrinsic properties, opening alternative avenues for device design.<br/><br/>1. M. Utama et. al., Nat. Electron., 2 (2019) 60-65.<br/>2. J.-W. Chen et. al., Nat. Comm., 9 (2018) 3143.<br/>3. A. Raja et. al., Nat. Comm., 8 (2017) 15251.<br/>4. Z. Song, ACS Nano, 11 (2017) 9128-9135.


2D materials | scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)

Symposium Organizers

Archana Raja, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Diana Qiu, Yale University
Arend van der Zande, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Stephen Wu, University of Rochester

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature