MRS Meetings and Events


QT09.03.03 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Singlet Fission Dynamics Under Strong Light-Matter Coupling

When and Where

May 13, 2022
9:00am - 9:30am

Hawai'i Convention Center, Level 3, 305A



Clàudia Climent1,David Casanova2,Johannes Feist3,Franciso J. Garcia-Vidal3

University of Pennsylvania1,Donostia International Physics Center2,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid3


Clàudia Climent1,David Casanova2,Johannes Feist3,Franciso J. Garcia-Vidal3

University of Pennsylvania1,Donostia International Physics Center2,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid3
Polaritons are unique hybrid light-matter states that offer an alternative way to manipulate chemical processes and change material properties. In this talk I will discuss our recent work focusing on how strong light-matter coupling can influence singlet fission dynamics in molecular materials.<sup>1</sup> Recent interest in singlet fission has been driven by its potential capacity to overcome the Shockley-Queisser limit for the efficiency of single junction solar cells. This is becuase in this process, a multiexcitonic state (TT) splits into two uncoupled triplets, therefore, a single photon triggers two electron hole-pairs. Although previous theoretical work has shown that singlet fission can benefit from polaritonic states,<sup>2</sup> a recent experiment did not obtain significant differences between cavity and non-cavity singlet fission dynamics.<sup>3 </sup>In this talk I will discuss our results where we find that state mixing speeds up the dynamics in cavities when the lower polariton is close in energy to the multiexcitonic triplet-pair state. I will also show that this effect is more pronounced in non-conventional singlet fission materials in which the energy gap between the bright singlet exciton and the multiexcitonic state is large. In this case, the dynamics is dominated by the polaritonic modes and not by the bare-molecule-like dark states. I will also connect recent experimental observations to our results.<br/><sup>1 </sup>C. Climent, D. Casanova, J. Feist, FJ. Garcia-Vidal, arXiv:2110.02173 (2021)<br/><sup>2</sup> L. A. Martinez-Martinez, M. Du, R. F. Ribeiro, S. Kena-Cohen, J.Yuen-Zhou, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 1951 (2018)<br/><sup>3</sup> B. Liu, V. M. Menon, M. Y. Sfeir. ACS Photonics, 7, 2292 (2020)

Symposium Organizers

Thomas Folland, University of Iowa
Hatice Altug, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Lauren Buchanan, Vanderbilt University
Joshua Caldwell, Vanderbilt University

Symposium Support

PIKE Technologies

Army Research Office

attocube systems AG

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature