MRS Meetings and Events


SB04.06.07 2022 MRS Spring Meeting

Mechanical Characterization of Collagen Hydrogels by Quasi-static Uniaxial Tensile Experiments

When and Where

May 11, 2022
3:45pm - 4:00pm

Hilton, Mid-Pacific Conference Center, 6th Floor, Coral 1



Dongchan Jang1,Jieung Kim1,Sangmin Lee1,Taek-Soo Kim1,Hyunjoon Kong2

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology1,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2


Dongchan Jang1,Jieung Kim1,Sangmin Lee1,Taek-Soo Kim1,Hyunjoon Kong2

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology1,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2
Collagens constitute the primary structural materials in the human body. As a structural material, it sustains much of external forces and directly imposes the mechanical environment on the cell membranes, which in turn affects cell behavior. Because of the motional complexity in living creatures, it is essential to understand the mechanical properties of biomaterials under various loading conditions. However, previous studies mostly focus on analyzing the mechanical behavior under dynamically-varying compressive or shear loads, but the tensile properties at the quasi-static time scale have been relatively less studied. This work aims to investigate the quasi-static tensile behavior of reconstituted collagen hydrogels under uniaxial tensile stresses. The evolution of the collagen fiber network structures with straining was visually observed using the confocal microscopy equipped with the tensile straining stage. A combination of tensile testing and structural analysis demonstrates the deformation mechanisms predominant at each stage during deformation. While the unfolding of the initially-undulated fibers accommodates the early stage strains, the deformation mechanism continuously changes to the stretching of fibers through the network alignment along the tensile direction. This transition commences with the buckling of a fiber lying perpendicular to the loading direction, which otherwise locks the rotation of adjacent fibers. We present the theoretical model to suggest that the stress required to initiate such transition follows the power-law relation of exponent 4 to the product of fiber diameter and line density of the network.

Symposium Organizers

Symposium Support

Army Research Office

The Polymer Society of Korea

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature